Problem after Kokish
Posted 2010-March-31, 07:31
2C - 2D (values)
2H (forces 2S) - 2S (forced)
3C (natural, hearts and clubs) - ??
Pairs, forgot about vulnerability.
Posted 2010-March-31, 07:53
Posted 2010-March-31, 07:56
Posted 2010-March-31, 07:58
Posted 2010-March-31, 09:08
Jlall, on Mar 31 2010, 08:51 AM, said:
Me too. I am close to a minimum and its pairs.
4♣ is chasing moonbeams.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2010-March-31, 09:20
gnasher, on Mar 31 2010, 08:58 AM, said:
How is this not necessarily a 2C opener?
Posted 2010-March-31, 09:33
Jlall, on Mar 31 2010, 10:20 AM, said:
gnasher, on Mar 31 2010, 08:58 AM, said:
How is this not necessarily a 2C opener?
And I thought my 2♣ opening requirements were high.
Absolute 2♣ opener.
As for the original problem, I bid 3♥. I have one sure cover card (the ♥K) opposite a 3 or less loser hand (the typical loser count for a 2♣ opening). The ♦Q is a potential cover card if partner has diamond length. In any event, it is not clear that slam is in the picture. For example, partner could have a solid 2♣ opener like this one:
AKQ AQJxx x AKxx
Slam is virtually hopeless on this hand (on a non-diamond lead 6♣ has a chance).
If partner moves towards slam I will try to offer a choice of slams. If the club fit is solid, clubs is likely to be a better place to play slam. For example:
x AQJxx Ax AKQxx
Now this hand is a borderline 2♣ opening, but 6♣ rates to be easy.
Posted 2010-March-31, 13:46
Posted 2010-March-31, 14:23
Fluffy, on Mar 31 2010, 02:46 PM, said:
If you bid 3♥ over 3♣, can you really impose clubs as the trump suit later in the auction? If not, do you recommend bidding 4♣ now?
Posted 2010-March-31, 14:45
If partner bids 4♣ next I think it is time to make it clear that we wanna play clubs, with a raise to the 6 level he should get the message.
Posted 2010-March-31, 14:49
Jlall, on Mar 31 2010, 04:20 PM, said:
gnasher, on Mar 31 2010, 08:58 AM, said:
How is this not necessarily a 2C opener?
It seems to have grown in high cards since I created it.
Posted 2010-March-31, 15:06
ArtK78, on Mar 31 2010, 04:33 PM, said:
AKQ AQJxx x AKxx
Slam is virtually hopeless on this hand (on a non-diamond lead 6♣ has a chance).
So what? 4♣ doesn't compel us to bid slam.
It's true that 5♣ is a worse game than 4♥, but that's what happens if you construct a hand where none of his minor honours are in clubs. If he had AKQ AQxxx x AKJx we'd be better off in 5♣ than 4♥.
Posted 2010-March-31, 15:10
I do think that opener, with a slam suitable 2-suiter, should bid 4♣ naturally rather than as a cue bid. Then we raise to 5♣ or 6♣ depending on our partnership's view of the minimum strength of a 2-suited 2♣ should have play even if it is poor...they probably have to guess which pointed suit to lead to have any chance of beating it.
The need to use 4♣ over 3♥ as natural is not too much of a problem since he will rarely have unilateral slam interest without a spade control, so he can start slamtries with 3♠...which I do NOT think should be natural, patterning out...or am I allowing this hand and auction to influence me?
Posted 2010-March-31, 18:26
hanp, on Mar 31 2010, 08:31 AM, said:
2C - 2D (values)
2H (forces 2S) - 2S (forced)
3C (natural, hearts and clubs) - ??
Pairs, forgot about vulnerability.
4♣ = 10, 4♥ = 9, 3♥ = 5.
BTW, my marks are simply a way of expressing the degree of my preference between calls that I consider making. Not a patronising attempt to rate other poster's comments.
Posted 2010-March-31, 20:18
gnasher, on Mar 31 2010, 04:06 PM, said:
ArtK78, on Mar 31 2010, 04:33 PM, said:
AKQ AQJxx x AKxx
Slam is virtually hopeless on this hand (on a non-diamond lead 6♣ has a chance).
So what? 4♣ doesn't compel us to bid slam.
It's true that 5♣ is a worse game than 4♥, but that's what happens if you construct a hand where none of his minor honours are in clubs. If he had AKQ AQxxx x AKJx we'd be better off in 5♣ than 4♥.
I think the scoring is matchpoints. I would raise to 4♣ at IMPs but at matchpoints raising clubs almost seems like betting we have slam.
Last time I thought about this auction I thought 3♥ should show a fit. The difference to the jump shift auction is obvious - we are much more likely to have a heart fit (as we couldn't raise hearts before), and partner is unlimited. I think showing a fit here is really important.
Maybe I would bid 3H anyway, or I would bid 4C and hope partner can bid 4H (which I would pass), I still don't know...
Posted 2010-April-01, 01:03
Sanity Check: Failure (Fluffy)
More system is not the answer...
Posted 2010-April-01, 01:57
cherdanno, on Mar 31 2010, 06:18 PM, said:
Maybe I would bid 3H anyway, or I would bid 4C and hope partner can bid 4H (which I would pass), I still don't know...
Or you could play the kokish version I like where 3s shows a real fit and 3h can be a doubleton (and you show spades by bidding 2h-2n).
I would also bid 4c and hope that partner bids 4h.