aguahombre, on Apr 2 2010, 08:47 PM, said:
I do hope cascade was being as silly as we were
No, no - perfectly valid questions, all of them. In my original post I stupidly forgot to give details of the remaining responses to 1
♣ shows a hand that would pass after 1
♦ shows a hand that would pass after 1
This is known as the Advance Preference concept - as with the better-known advance cue bid, responder saves space by giving preference directly, rather than waiting for opener to show his second suit.
♥ is natural, about 6-9 points with heart support - the Raise Is Limited principle.
2NT asks opener how many points he has, in order that responder can determine whether the hand should be played in a part score, a game or a slam - the Find Out Our Level convention.
Lest people should be concerned that this method is too complex to remember in the heat of battle, a mnemonic may readily be constructed from the initial letters of the three innovations described above.