cherdanno, on Mar 28 2010, 05:09 PM, said:
I assume the methods given in the original post. If you have more information about the OP's methods, then you could have let us known.
It seems clear that the OP's methods gives you a choice whether to show 3-card support with 18-19 balanced. With an ace rather than a slow stopper and KQx support it would seem obvious to me stress the support rather than the stopper.
If you report about a simulation but don't tell us about important parameters, then reporting about that simulation is useless.
"Just plugging in 18-19 balanced, and giving West a One Spade overcall" certainly tells you the parameters exactly. If that is useless to you, then don't bother reading it or commenting on it. I did not claim any extra knowledge of the pair's methods.
With a double stopper in spades and KQx support providing a source of tricks and a 4-3-3-3 shape, it seems obvious to me to stress the balanced hand and the stopper at the same time; there is still room to get to hearts. Why put all hands with 3 hearts through a support double?
The OP goes out of its way to indicate which hands might bid 2NT when they have three hearts: "eg with good double stop ♠ and balanced hand". Silly me! I decided to believe these were the methods, not the ones you think they should be.
I prefer to give the lawmakers credit for stating things for a reason - barmar