gnasher, on Mar 26 2010, 06:11 PM, said:
Platimum Pairs: This is a normal contract, played from the normal side, probably with the normal lead. ♦Q is more likely to be onside than not. I cross to ♥Q, run the clubs, and take a diamond finesse.
At my club, this would still be a normal contract, probably played from the normal side (though the prevalence of Acol complicates things), probably with the normal lead. Hence I'd do the same.
At my club, this would still be a normal contract, probably played from the normal side (though the prevalence of Acol complicates things), probably with the normal lead. Hence I'd do the same.
Not sure if this is played from the normal side. 1♦-2♣-2♠-2NT-3NT looks ok but some might open or rebid notrumps with the North hand, and some might bid hearts by South as a notrump probe.
Your club is probably stronger but at my club I can see some pairs ending up in a partscore or 5m. S doesn't have an easy rebid if North can't reverse and 1♦-2♣-2♦-3♣ is not forcing.