4NT is RKC. EW are not used to playing together, but there is no doubt that 4NT is RKC and 5♥ therefore 2 without the queen.
Rate the bidding ... just shaping out?!
Posted 2010-March-25, 17:57
4NT is RKC. EW are not used to playing together, but there is no doubt that 4NT is RKC and 5♥ therefore 2 without the queen.
Posted 2010-March-25, 18:25
If E is anyone with imagination, he is funning us with this 4N and I would be very, very worried that 5♦ would be seem by partner as a mess of diamonds and nothing like this amount of power. Fortunately, I have been saved by the vulnerability and the opps. 5♠ seems clear....red, I am not offering a free shot at 500 or more (well, I may have, but I am not doing it knowingly) so I expcet partner to move with the right hand.
I would have bid 5♥ over 4N
If rho is a solid citizen, I still bid but I am very, very afraid.
Posted 2010-March-25, 18:29
Posted 2010-March-25, 18:34
Posted 2010-March-25, 22:59
--Always remember you're unique. Just like everyone else.
Posted 2010-March-26, 04:20
mikeh, on Mar 26 2010, 02:25 AM, said:
Actually I think of east a very solid citizen. The type of player that seems to always put down a maximum hand in dummy. But since the opps are strong players there are no guarantees of anything.
Posted 2010-March-26, 05:28
Posted 2010-March-26, 05:34
Posted 2010-March-26, 06:53
Posted 2010-March-26, 07:25
Posted 2010-March-26, 08:20
Posted 2010-March-26, 09:39
Posted 2010-March-26, 09:59
jdonn, on Mar 26 2010, 10:39 AM, said:
Consider it to be a compliment.
Posted 2010-March-28, 12:50
Crazy stuff. I was south and partner chose to take a preference to 6♦ (thinking I might have tried 5♥ with a clear 2-suiter).
This is totally out of character for east, who is usually solid as a rock. Luckily for us east somehow forgot to double 6♦! Down 5 (I managed to lose 3*2 tricks) was still a bad sacrifice, even undoubled.
Most people will turn up with some really crappy defense for a bluff like that. A balanced 11 count is just wow.
(4♥) - p - (4NT) - 5♦
(5♥) - p - (p) - 5♠...