Competitive Auction IMPs, favorable
Posted 2010-March-24, 13:42
IMPs, favorable
♠J7x ♥8xxx ♦Q9 ♣A6xx
1♣ - 1♦ - 1NT - P
2♣ - 2♦ - P - P
2♥ - P - 3♣ - ?
Please explain your reasoning.
Posted 2010-March-24, 14:15
Posted 2010-March-24, 14:19
JTx and 8xxx opposite is just terrible.
And 1NT on my right, humm, very easy pass for me.
Posted 2010-March-24, 14:20
What do you think LHO's shape is? (I think there are very strong clues as to his exact shape.) Does this influence your decision?
Posted 2010-March-24, 14:26
(or inverse if you mean the other opponent - diagrams and who opponed are good for people like me)
Posted 2010-March-24, 14:35
wclass___, on Mar 24 2010, 09:19 PM, said:
Wouldn't he have doubled 2♣ with that?
I think that the most likely shapes are
4261 3424
Posted 2010-March-24, 14:35
Have you figured out LHO's exact shape?
I think that lets you figure out RHO's exact shape, no?
Posted 2010-March-24, 14:57
Posted 2010-March-24, 15:10
Posted 2010-March-24, 15:29
gnasher, on Mar 24 2010, 03:35 PM, said:
wclass___, on Mar 24 2010, 09:19 PM, said:
Wouldn't he have doubled 2♣ with that?
I think that the most likely shapes are
4261 3424
Yes, you are most probably right...
I was thinking about 6331, but didn't mention that it leaves one of opponents with 4♠. Hmm, but LHO could still be 5440, maybe that explain why he didn't double 2 ♦. Bidding 2♥ with 5431 feels a bit strange for me, you give up possibility to penalize opponents, and he hardly wants to be in 4-3, when you have to ruff ♦ in your own hand, although he has same problem with 5440.
Anyway, if partner has 4261 3♦ contract is way more appealing, although i am still inclined to pass, as i see perspective in defense.
Posted 2010-March-24, 15:33
jonottawa, on Mar 24 2010, 04:10 PM, said:
Probably parter - LHO showed clubs and hearts, RHO might have bid 1S instead of 1NT with 4 spades.
Posted 2010-March-24, 15:39
Posted 2010-March-24, 15:40
Granted, he could have 4 bad ♠ perhaps and a bare minimum.
Posted 2010-March-24, 15:55
Posted 2010-March-24, 16:03
jonottawa, on Mar 24 2010, 04:40 PM, said:
Granted, he could have 4 bad ♠ perhaps and a bare minimum.
No, I don't think so. Quite possibly I have hearts and clubs on this auction. Why would partner unilaterally sign us up for a 4-3 spade fit or a 3-level diamond contract? He already showed a diamond suit and values, and he trusts us to work out the spades and do something intelligent.
I think it's far more likely for partner to hold 4 spades - he did not choose another bid, he chose to pass. LHO chose another bid (2H) instead of showing spades.
Posted 2010-March-24, 16:06
Posted 2010-March-24, 18:08
Posted 2010-March-24, 22:50
wclass___, on Mar 24 2010, 07:08 PM, said:
Look at the list of players (and please feel free to remove me). They all bid 3♦ and they all bid it quickly. Why do you think that is? I believe the problem is you grossly underestimate the hand and suit shown by rebidding 2♦ opposite a silent partner.