Another trap pass!
Posted 2010-March-08, 11:24
r/r imps.
You open 1D precision style, 1S on left, 2C from pard (F1), 2S on right, p p X p ?
You know your RHO is fairly sound, and your LHO is fairly unsound. First board of a swiss match.
Posted 2010-March-08, 13:28
I bid 2NT, scrambling. Partner is allowed to have four hearts, so there's no harm in admitting to four myself. Also, if partner is about to drive game it makes sure of rightsiding it.
Posted 2010-March-08, 13:32
Gnashers 2NT seems right.
Do not underestimate the power of the dark side. Or the ninth trumph.
Best Regards Ole Berg
We should always assume 2/1 unless otherwise stated, because:
- If the original poster didn't bother to state his system, that means that he thinks it's obvious what he's playing. The only people who think this are 2/1 players.
Posted 2010-March-08, 13:35
Posted 2010-March-08, 13:37
gnasher, on Mar 8 2010, 02:28 PM, said:
I bid 2NT, scrambling. Partner is allowed to have four hearts, so there's no harm in admitting to four myself. Also, if partner is about to drive game it makes sure of rightsiding it.
Why is partner allowed to have 4♥ IIRC didn't the auction proceed 1♦ (1♠) 2♣? If he made no negative X with 4♥ then he damn well better be ready and strong enough to bid them at the 3 level
the Freman, Chani from the move "Dune"
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."
George Bernard Shaw
Posted 2010-March-08, 14:00
This can be a misfit and honors seem to be badly placed. Pard is likely to have something like 2335 or 3325 and some extras (pard isn't going to bid 2♣ with hearts unless he's like 14 hcp or so).
Obviously we're gonna lose the match if this happens to make, but you're also not gonna win matches by being afraid to do what you think it's right.
DISCLAIMER: what I think it's right might not be what in fact IS right
Posted 2010-March-08, 14:01
Posted 2010-March-08, 14:24
Posted 2010-March-08, 14:44
kfay, on Mar 8 2010, 08:24 PM, said:
neither to me, but hey, its in the thread title
Posted 2010-March-08, 19:10
PhantomSac, on Mar 8 2010, 02:35 PM, said:
I guess that as a working rule I'd presume 2NT is scrambling anytime partner could have passed a double and chose to bid 2NT instead. Not that 2NT can't be right, but it has to be a small subset of hands where it is. I'd be curious to hear why you think this specific situation would fall into that subset. Do you think 2NT last round would have been takeout where pass was neutral and maybe a balanced minimum with a spade stopper and nothing else to say?
Not a Precision player, but a couple things concern me. The first is whether partner is going to be more inclined to bid 2♣ rather than a value bid of 2NT the first time, since you might have a club fit far more frequently than when you open 1♦ in standard (this also might imply partner's 2NT over 2♠ would have been natural(?)). The other is partner's style; does partner prefer to handle x Jxxx KQ KQT8xx by starting with x or by first bidding where he lives via 2♣ and then competing? I'd really like to be in hearts opposite that, and I don't think partner can pull 3♦.
Clubs might be our best strain when partner has good diamonds and shortness in spades. I want to go back and open 1♥ if I have to open these weak suckers, but that's probably Precision anathema. I don't play the system so I'm in no position to judge whether you can open a 4 bagger every so often and survive the consequences (hopefully thrive ).
Posted 2010-March-08, 19:42
Posted 2010-March-08, 19:49
Posted 2010-March-08, 21:22
(It also bars him from doing so now that I think about it.)
Posted 2010-March-09, 04:21
PhantomSac, on Mar 8 2010, 08:35 PM, said:
Why would you assume natural in this situation? Because overcaller is on your left? (just wondering - sounds very direct)
I'd consider 2NT scrambling, nicely showing my hand. I also think it's more frequent, so probably better use.
Posted 2010-March-09, 07:11
All that being said, I doubt I would have worked any of this out ATT and I would bid a scrambling 2N (or 3♦ if 2N didn't occur to me).
Posted 2010-March-09, 07:22
I'll try that.
Posted 2010-March-09, 08:08
mikegill, on Mar 9 2010, 02:11 PM, said:
I started thinking on those lines, but changed my mind when I constructed some hands.
If partner is minimum, he's likely to be 2335. With six clubs and a non-game force, he'd usually bid 3♣.
The first hand I thought of was xx Axx Qxx KQxxx. That gives declarer an easy 7 tricks, with lots of chances for an eighth - a doubleton diamond in dummy, ♦HJx in dummy, a diamond lead from the queen, a top club lead causing our honours to crash, and possibly even a long card in clubs or hearts.
Posted 2010-March-09, 10:27