yada yada Yet another double auction, that is
Posted 2010-February-13, 22:26
1♣ - (1♥) - Pass - (Pass)
X - (2♥) - X
On this forum there doesn't seem to be such a thing as a double that everybody agrees is penalty. What about this one? What are the alternatives? 3-card spade support? Responsive? (If your card already includes support and responsive doubles, and goes out of its way to use them a lot, is the default meaning of this double still penalty?)
As a followup question... if you're considering a non-penalty meaning for the above double... suppose you have the hand with the heart stack, and the second round of the auction is X - (2♥) - Pass - (Pass). Will partner always reopen with a double again if he reopened with a double the first time? Or are there a large number of minimal-ish hands -- say Kxx Qx Kxx Axxxx -- that reluctantly reopened once and will now fall silent?
Posted 2010-February-13, 22:35
Q2 If a hand was good enough to open, and it has opponent's suit short, it is good enough to reopen. There are circumstances where this is not a hard rule, like Qx in their suit which tends to reduce the possibility that partner is on a trap pass and more indicates partner might be broke. After all, EVERYBODY can't have the heart honors and this hand is staring at one already. But going by simple principle of "short in their suit", I would not argue too heavily against reopening.
Posted 2010-February-13, 22:48
The one for which you'll have a larger variety of responses is 1♥-p-p-x-2♥-x. I think it's pretty standard to play that one as penalty, but a lot of people, including myself, do play it as responsive. That discussion seems to pop up on the forums with reasonably high frequency.
Posted 2010-February-14, 00:07
Siegmund, on Feb 13 2010, 11:26 PM, said:
1♣ - (1♥) - Pass - (Pass)
X - (2♥) - X
On this forum there doesn't seem to be such a thing as a double that everybody agrees is penalty. What about this one?
I would be surprised if anyone said this is not penalty (and especially not without discussion otherwise).
So many experts, not enough X cards.
Posted 2010-February-14, 00:14
Posted 2010-February-14, 07:57
Posted 2010-February-14, 13:20
For us, it seemed the meta-agreement "if one partner's double is non-penalty, so is the other partner's" - as applied on the previous round of the auction - might still apply but we couldnt come up with many hands where that made sense. Just wanted to make sure we weren't missing anything obvious.
Posted 2010-February-14, 14:16
Posted 2010-February-14, 14:58
Fluffy, on Feb 14 2010, 07:21 AM, said:
Yep..penalty for sure here.
Posted 2010-February-14, 16:06
the Freman, Chani from the move "Dune"
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."
George Bernard Shaw
Posted 2010-February-14, 16:35
Posted 2010-February-14, 16:39
pooltuna, on Feb 14 2010, 05:06 PM, said:
Not sure that I understand this post...
Are you asking for pointers to beginners texts on takeout doubles in the modern game?
Are you saying this obvious penalty double should be played as takeout?
Are you saying because this obvious penalty double is a penalty double, therefore many of the doubles that were penalty doubles 60 years ago but are now treated as takeout, should still be penalty doubles?
Perhaps you could elaborate for me, thanks.
Posted 2010-February-14, 17:11
Posted 2010-February-14, 22:03
aguahombre, on Feb 14 2010, 06:11 PM, said:
Sometimes one can't tell if he is serious or not. But I'll take your word he was not serious this time
Posted 2010-February-15, 09:36
655321, on Feb 14 2010, 05:39 PM, said:
pooltuna, on Feb 14 2010, 05:06 PM, said:
Not sure that I understand this post...
Are you asking for pointers to beginners texts on takeout doubles in the modern game?
Are you saying this obvious penalty double should be played as takeout?
Are you saying because this obvious penalty double is a penalty double, therefore many of the doubles that were penalty doubles 60 years ago but are now treated as takeout, should still be penalty doubles?
Perhaps you could elaborate for me, thanks.
I probably play more doubles as penalty than the average BBF poster.
the Freman, Chani from the move "Dune"
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."
George Bernard Shaw
Posted 2010-February-15, 10:51
Posted 2010-February-15, 11:40
jdonn, on Feb 15 2010, 11:51 AM, said:
yeah it's tough when you gotta go with the "blind pig method"
the Freman, Chani from the move "Dune"
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."
George Bernard Shaw
Posted 2010-February-15, 18:11
jdonn, on Feb 15 2010, 04:51 PM, said:
you mean... he is serious ever?
Posted 2010-February-16, 02:55
pooltuna, on Feb 14 2010, 11:06 PM, said:
Partner did exactly that the first round. He had a penalty double and passed because Dbl then would've been takeout.
Now however, we've arrived at round 2 where this Dbl is clearly defined as penalty. A simple rule: "if it can't be takeout, it's penalty".