Auto Re-Deal When one player leave, automatic re-deal
Posted 2010-February-10, 12:47
intervals from prior to the start of bidding to during play.
Redeal requests would have been inappropriate in all
cases, and in any event there were no redeal requests,
or at least none visible to me. No record of these hands
appeared in the Movie section.
In the past this has been an uncommon occurrence of
less than daily frequency, which I have attributed to
momentary computer glitches.
The sudden dramatic increase in disappearing deals today
makes me think there is a problem in need of a fix.
In this vein, but a separate issue: I recently became aware
that if one defender makes a concession the other defender
not only has no say, he may not even be made aware of the
concession offer. For him the deal just suddenly disappears,
although it does appear in the Movie record.
On several occasions I have been the "other" defender, and
I have been quite certain I had more tricks than my partner
I wonder if a fix might be possible by which the "other" defender
must also agree to a concession for acceptance to take effect?
Posted 2010-February-10, 13:04
"Help me find a game" option, the hand originally
at the table I am taken to disappears in about one
second, and is replaced by a brand new hand.
Another member told me today that this sequence
of hand disappearance and replacement seems now
to take place whenever a new player joins a table.
Posted 2010-February-10, 13:06
Posted 2010-February-10, 13:23
hotShot said:
If by this you mean that hands are programmed to disappear
whenever any new player joins a table, then it is a new feature,
and I really it is reversed as soon as possible because it is
leading to a very frustrating deluge of tanked deals.
Posted 2010-February-10, 13:55
Every time a player joined the table, even as dummy, the board in play was instantly redealt. After it happened for tenth-or-so time, with only a few boards actually played to completion, I simply gave up and left in annoyance.
I know this can (and should) happen if the player joining has already seen the hands, but for it to happen EVERY time is either an extraordinary coincedence, or a software issue.
Is this a bug, or a new 'feature'?
Posted 2010-February-10, 14:21
Whether it is a feature or a "feature" depends on whether you are
a. The declarer about to find out at trick 10 whether RHO is capable of breaking up your squeeze, or
b. The sap who manifests in that seat via Help-me-find-a-game, and is looking at 4 cards and has no idea how the play went to get to this state, but has to play a card.
More rigorously, the change is:
"When someone uses Help-me-find-a-game(play) and is seated, redeal at that table after seating the player"
I'm not convinced it is a pure gain. Lets see what people think.
Posted 2010-February-10, 14:35
that the recent increase in redealt hands is the result of
experiment by adaministration to curb effects of kibbitzers
joining a table after seeing the hands.
IMO this is a classic example of the fix being worse
than the problem it was meant to correct.
The old method, whatever it was, was better than having
something like one quarter to one third of all hands dealt
disappear into thin air.
PS: I guess I should by now, at long last, finally learn
how to spell "kibitzer".
Posted 2010-February-10, 14:55
uday said:
Whether it is a feature or a "feature" depends on whether you are
a. The declarer about to find out at trick 10 whether RHO is capable of breaking up your squeeze, or
b. The sap who manifests in that seat via Help-me-find-a-game, and is looking at 4 cards and has no idea how the play went to get to this state, but has to play a card.
More rigorously, the change is:
"When someone uses Help-me-find-a-game(play) and is seated, redeal at that table after seating the player"
I'm not convinced it is a pure gain. Lets see what people think.
Me and probably 100s k other bridge players truly appreciate
all your efforts to make BBO the best bridge playing site in
the world that it is.
But I do not believe you thought out section b. above: you are
assigning priority to the percieved feelings of ONE new player
(the "sap") at the expense of the possible feelings of THREE players
already at the table, and that does not seem at all fair to me.
If any one of those three players wants a redeal let them say so.
Otherwise let the "sap" live with a few minutes of blind leads.
Now that I know the "Take me to a table" feature is part of the cause
of this problem I will stop using it.
I aways seem to wind up with 8hcp hands when I use it, anyway.
Posted 2010-February-10, 16:55
As of this evening I came across this problem that whenever a player leaves the table, the system automatically re-deal the cards.
I found it annoying. So did other around the table.
Is there a way to avoid it?
Posted 2010-February-10, 17:13
Maybe it will soon be corrected.
Posted 2010-February-10, 17:54
Perhaps a better idea would be for there to be a system-generated redeal request that needs to be agreed-to by a player from each pair such that a bit of human judgement can be used as to whether or not play can continue.
If a new player has arrived at trick 2 or 3, it's usually possible to brief the new player on what's happened for the first few tricks, and if it's a few tricks further on most of the time declarer can claim.
I ♦ bidding the suit below the suit I'm actually showing not to be described as a "transfer" for the benefit of people unfamiliar with the concept of a transfer
Posted 2010-February-10, 18:04

Posted 2010-February-10, 18:17
We tell the new opponent what has been played, etc....and their stats are not affected by the bad board they will registers to the player who left. And we also reset the score following the board's completion.
I don't see it being a problem for newcomers.....except maybe for the one deal they joined.............if they stay, all the others will see them thru the entire play. But now, even if the newcomer's pard leaves, the board redeals..........
THIS IS A TERRIBLE procedure...............please don't do this to the wonderful site, BBO.
Posted 2010-February-10, 19:19
that is truly disconcerting, so now the loonies at the mbc can take control and leave me in the dust
i want to finish playing my hand and i want the serve to record the redoublers
now when people realize they are going -1100, they leave and i cannot get my rightful penalty double scores
Posted 2010-February-10, 19:24
Sure, of course you want to collect 1100. From whom? Would a bot do ?
Posted 2010-February-10, 19:46
there are ethical declarers out there who will play out the hand.
maybe it was declarer who bid badly and dummy left.
maybe the guy leaves to join a tournament and the hand is redealt before my very eyes
the dummy loses connection, i lose the right to play out my hand.
sorry, my tables mates were upset too and i just had 3 hands change before me because people left the table.
i do not thin there will be games at the mbc for me anymore.
sometimes i join a table with a pair known to me but did not bring a partner, so some random leaves the table and we cannot finish the hand with someone else.
i am sorry you sound cavalier and dismissive of the issue.
Posted 2010-February-10, 19:47
i LOVE BBO but todays session was a nightmare.
Posted 2010-February-10, 21:25
in addition, the vulnerability doesn't stay the same as the redeal happens, which i think is an error.
Posted 2010-February-10, 21:34
We deployed it (thanks to Ari G's insistence) in such a way that we can roll it back easily if we want to.
I'm not convinced yet that the many negative votes are representative of a large percentage of people.
I'd say let it sit, let us collect more data. It will be easy to reverse it immediately if thats what the majority opinion is.
So far, we've heard from (say) a hundred or two people saying they don't like the effects of the change, and that the old way, warts and all, was better than this.
We've heard from one person who likes it.
But even a 1,000 negative votes would represent less than 10% of the people who used HMFAG today.
Babalu, I'm not trying to sound cavalier. My Q is real: the incoming guy doesnt want to play out some disaster that he didnt cause, does he ? And he certainly doesnt want to do it starting at trick 7 ( he can't, even if he does - he has no idea what has happened ).
So far I'm learning that:
1. Replacing dummy should not be considered a big event and should not trigger a redeal.
2. Replacing during the bidding might not be a big event and should perhaps not trigger a redeal.
3. For the worst case: replacing a nondummy during the play -- I think the hand can't be played out by an incoming human (it is just too painful to try). We can't let the incoming guy suffer. So either using a bot to wrap up the hand or redealing seems reasonable.
So lets wait and see, ok ? I'll be able to tap Fred for an opinion in the AM as well. A day or two of this, if it turns out to have been a mistake, won't kill us.