Suggestion for score when playing at a table NOOSANCE's Letter to Fred
Posted 2010-February-04, 14:15
Posted 2010-February-04, 14:45
Posted 2010-February-04, 21:13
would be nice to have hands scored for something like 50 or 30 boards.
Only once it happened to me to play the same deal, i was declarer as south and then joined another table as west.
but i did not realize it till the deal was over.
long time ago, did not report to anyone
Posted 2010-February-04, 21:49
Posted 2010-February-04, 23:53
babalu1997, on Feb 5 2010, 03:13 AM, said:
Because 16 lines fit really nicely into the first version of the BBO Windows client othat contained a "Movie window". No scrollbar was required

At that time there were so few people on BBO that it typically took hours or even days for a given hand to be played even 16 times.
Unfortunately I implemented this clever decision with some notably poor design that has left us more or less endplayed in this area to this day.
Look on the bright side - now that there are a lot of people on BBO, it takes only a few minutes for a board to be played 16 times and then retired - sharing information between 2 tables that play the same board is basically impossible

Fred Gitelman
Bridge Base Inc.
Posted 2010-February-05, 02:08
I don't have a proper mathematical argument for it, but I prefer imping against a fixed datum rather than cross-imping.
I ♦ bidding the suit below the suit I'm actually showing not to be described as a "transfer" for the benefit of people unfamiliar with the concept of a transfer
Posted 2010-February-05, 04:16
You don't delete extreme results in XIMPs. I suppose OKB used butler. XIMP is more robust so deleting outliers is not necessary.
Personally I prefer not to delete outliers. I can see a case for doing it but since the rest of the World doesn't, I think BBO should just stay to normal XIMP scoring.
Those concerned about the issue might prefer to play matchpoints.
Posted 2010-February-05, 05:07
And Helene I guess you agree that in statistics averaging over more counts is usually better, although at some points the improvement is minimal.
Posted 2010-February-05, 06:13
hotShot, on Feb 5 2010, 12:07 PM, said:
And Helene I guess you agree that in statistics averaging over more counts is usually better, although at some points the improvement is minimal.
I think 16 is adequate, but a cycle of 16 means that the average number of tables that have played the board at the time you finish it will be 8. I think that's more of a concern. Sometimes you get a silly score because it has only been played once before and that happened to be one of those 7NTxx-8 or such. That will always happen but the shorter the cycle the more often it happens. Of course, a few minutes later the score will be more normal so it isn't really a big issue.
Posted 2010-February-05, 07:35
Posted 2010-February-05, 14:09
Now computers do the math, and the crutch is not needed.
There is no need to eliminate top and bottoms, as the only purpose of it is to make Butler introduced datum fairer. No Butler => no datum => no need.
Posted 2010-February-05, 18:29
mrdct, on Feb 5 2010, 03:08 AM, said:
I don't have a proper mathematical argument for it, but I prefer imping against a fixed datum rather than cross-imping.
16 boards is by far not enough, and 12 is nothing, only large tourneys will have normal results, using 12 gives random outcomes, if you do not believe me, ask others
Posted 2010-February-05, 18:31
barmar, on Feb 5 2010, 08:35 AM, said:
OKB as I said compares 52 pairs and does not count the 2 tops and the 2 bottoms for the average
Posted 2010-February-08, 08:28
Gerardo, on Feb 6 2010, 02:22 PM, said:
sigh, you are very stubborn, if you dont want to solve problems, then don't respond please, you know perfectly well what I mean, if I don't use the right lingo does not mean you should insist to discuss averages. The point is 2 pairs score an odd result this affects the rest of the scores and it should not, also to make a score from 16 pairs in the largest field on the planet is absolutely ridiculous, I expect this at the local club, not in a place where as many as 17000 players are online at the same time. On OKB they USE (see, I do not use the word AVERAGE) the scores of 52 pairs to make results for everyone else, and the top 2 and bottom 2 are not counted for the calculation of the results of the other 48 pairs, but they are for the 4 extremes, see I didnt use AVERAGE again.
Posted 2010-February-08, 08:53
Posted 2010-February-08, 10:15
Sorry if I did not state this clearly, but it doesn't really matter whether or not you are right that increasing the number of comparisons and throwing out extreme scores would be a good thing - you are not going to see this change happen in the foreseeable future.
That is because, due to poor early design by me and due to the fact that the Windows client continues to exist, it would be a complete nightmare for us to make any changes in this area. By this I mean it would take a lot of difficult work to implement the kind of changes you want, these changes would be dangerous (ie screwups by us would result in severe system instability), and everyone who uses the Windows client would be forced download a new version (a nightmare in itself both for us and for many 1000s of our members).
Meanwhile, there are plenty of other areas of the software that have a lot of room for improvement and require our attention (which is a limited resource). The bottom line is that the scoring changes you would like to see, if they ever happens at all, are not going to happen any time soon. I realize such changes are important to you - sorry to be a disappointment.
Of course feel free to continue to argue about the merits of various ways of keeping score, but even if you convince everyone it won't make any difference.
Fred Gitelman
Bridge Base Inc.
Posted 2010-February-08, 12:07
Posted 2010-February-08, 13:08
NOosAnCE, on Feb 8 2010, 11:28 AM, said:
Gerardo, on Feb 6 2010, 02:22 PM, said:
sigh, you are very stubborn, if you dont want to solve problems, then don't respond please, you know perfectly well what I mean, if I don't use the right lingo does not mean you should insist to discuss averages. The point is 2 pairs score an odd result this affects the rest of the scores and it should not, also to make a score from 16 pairs in the largest field on the planet is absolutely ridiculous, I expect this at the local club, not in a place where as many as 17000 players are online at the same time. On OKB they USE (see, I do not use the word AVERAGE) the scores of 52 pairs to make results for everyone else, and the top 2 and bottom 2 are not counted for the calculation of the results of the other 48 pairs, but they are for the 4 extremes, see I didnt use AVERAGE again.
So, according to you, OKB uses a way to calculate the score for a set of tables(the extremes), and other way to calculate the score for everybody else?
Are you authoritative on this, or can provide documentation?
Posted 2010-February-08, 14:06
As for a fix... I understand that there are restraints due to original system design, but does that mean that the web version ( aka, the new version) could not design an alternate scoring system option perhaps at a small cost to the users that wish to look at their results differently from the rest of us? It has implemented new convention cards and many other new features, (at no additional cost I might add) and I think that this could be a new option for those that think they would prefer to look at the results in a different light. I think maybe a poll would show just how wanted this wish list item really is.
Since BBO does not have a system rating attached to individual players ( which I totally like), I do not see why this poster is making such a big deal out of it. Playing in the open rooms is a place to work on your game for serious players and a place to kick back and socialize for others, and checking to see what other pairs made compared to what you made is quite enough for me in that venue. I have no problem eliminating the 7NT x and xx hands from my comparisons. I do not care that they skewed the results because I care more about the pairs that made one more trick than I did and how they bid it.
I also encourage many of my face to face player friends to try online bridge and I have no interest in having them look at some complicated rating system and get discouraged before they even have a chance to get used to the software.