I have been playing here quite some years now, compared to OKB, where I played before, I see advantages and disadvantages. Of course I won't complain about the advantages. I do have some suggestions to improve BBO though. This is not only my opinion but many players with me think alike:
1. Like in OKB I would like to be able to remove a spectator revealing hands in public or just being a nuisance, this is extremely annoying. I know I can shut out spectator talk or spectators in general, but 99,8% would never act so childish and I like to have spectators, it makes it more realistic and lively.
2. In BBO a player who keeps on clicking on an empty seat can prevent the host from talking, letting a serious player in or making settings to prevent this. I would like to be able to ban a player from my table during that session insisting to sit in the empty seat. I know I can call a yellow, but even that is hardly possible, then I would have to shut down the table and wait for a yellow, report the player etc etc, this takes ages, fun spoilt.
3. To score a hand every board is compared between 16 pairs, this result means nothing especially the tops and bottoms have an disproportianate influence on the average. On OKB 52 pairs are compared, and if I am not mistaken the top 2 and bottom 2 do not count for the average. On BBO you have so many more players, can't you compare 100 boards and delete tops and bottoms for a more realistic result?
4. Many players will sit at a table make agreements and then disappear after between 0.5 and 3 boards, they want to kill time before their team game or tourney starts, can you prevent them from sitting if their game starts within half an hour or so? Also can you prevent them from accepting a team game or applying a tourney while playing or don't let them suddenly disappear? Maybe even prevent players from leaving their seat in the middle of a board in general.
5. Because of point 4 and many other reasons (rudeness, playing level etc etc) one needs enemy lists, PLURAL, or an enemy list followed by a selection of a number from 0-9 to show the reason why this person is on your blacklist. After so many years of playing the list will be full soon (I now have over 1150 blacklisted), and I don't want to forget why I didnt want to play with or against those players.
Of course a rating system other than self rating will help a lot, but I know this will stimulate cheating even more.
6. Most players do not know the proper way to take a seat (request from the lobby to an empty seat), most will go to the table, see all hands then either the hands get skipped or when the hand has been started by another player he has seen all cards. Many won't mention this and just play or defend the hand, since there is a lot of players coming and going usually many hands are ruined this way. When players get booted because of a bad connection they come back to the table as a spectator, see all hands and another hand is ruined. Maybe only let players request to play from a place where they can't see the cards?
7. Full disclosure is very nice, but the explanations should only be shown to the opponents, else it will merely be used by a majority as a tool to find the right bid and be notified what the meaning of their partners bid is.
8. The first few months I played on BBO it was torture because of 1 reason only: I did not know many players and I wanted to check the profile of the player I would play with if I would click the empty seat, so I knew he would play a similar system as I do. This is impossible, seat and empty seats keep moving so fast you can't keep track. A stationary list with refresh option is much easier to use.
9. Is it possible to remove logins that have not been used for a certain period of time, like 6 months or so? At the same time remove those logins from blacklists and friendslists, I think in my lists are many dead logins.
10. Let players manage their own blacklist and friendslist as a file on their pc, and be able to see someone's profile even though that player is not online.
I have been complaining about these matters at my table for a long time, and then every now and then a yellow friend encourages me to post it here, but then I always say that I am not the only one here thinking this way and telling BBO about it and it never changed, so what is the point? Well this time I took the time to do it, please do not disappoint me

Martin Amorison
login: noosance