slam decision
Posted 2010-February-01, 22:20
Kxxx Kxxxxx Jx x
1D-1H (me), 4D-?
Took a long time thinking before I signed off in 4H. Loser count suggests we're in slam territory
24-5 (expected losers)-7 (my losers)=12 tricks.
But maybe pd could have had x AJxx KQTxxx Ax
Should I have bid more?
Posted 2010-February-01, 22:32
Posted 2010-February-01, 22:48
The 5-level is reasonably safe (just no diamond ruff) even opposite your second hand.
I think the idea that opener is supposed to drive to slam over 1h is pretty crazy. Going down in 4 opposite a poorly fitting hand would be quite unlucky, but hardly a total shock.
Whether I get to slam over 4d-4n depends of course on whether opener can show the void now. Unfortunately I don't think he will, since 5n (even number of keycards) is ambiguous about the black suit void. Now opener will wish he had splintered instead.
Posted 2010-February-01, 22:51
CSGibson, on Feb 1 2010, 11:32 PM, said:
What? Opener is supposed to force to the 5 level with Axx AJxx KQTxxx ?
Posted 2010-February-01, 23:55
I knew that the 5-level was pretty safe. Oh, I suppose partner could have had..
xx AQxx AKQxxx x with club out and spade back to the AQ. Or perhaps a diamond ruff...
But what if I RKC and pd bids 5S with...
xx AQxx KQxxxx A
x AQxx AQTxxxx x
Still think I didn't bid enough?
Any votes for 4S by me?
Posted 2010-February-02, 01:47
So you have two solutions: 1. YOu need higher standards for 4 diamond.
2. You do not use RCKB but bid 4 Spade.
I try 4 Spade. Partner can and will take over.
Sanity Check: Failure (Fluffy)
More system is not the answer...
Posted 2010-February-02, 02:28
KT8643 7 43 A842
and suggests that over 1D-1S, 4S that responder be thinking slam.
Similar, but differences. I have two kings, not ace and king, I have Jx of partner's 6-card suit, partner has shown more distribution and less HCPs.
Posted 2010-February-02, 02:51
I think, you can and should make another move.
As it is, you have a 10 card fit, and a 6-4 shape, there is a comment
by Klinger - "The sky is the limit".
I dont think you are strong enough to force to slam, but you should a
last try. If you have it av. 5H as a natural invite would be brilliant.
I was debatting with myself, if I would have prefered a 4C splinter bid
instead of the 4D bid, and my feeling is, I would prefer it.
Opener gives p the chance to make a cue below the game level, opener
will be deighted to hear a Ace showing 4D bid.
And the diamond suit is nice, but it could be better.
But as always, it is tough to bid slams on perfect fitting hands.
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2010-February-02, 09:10
If you've defined N's 4♦ as this hand, he cannot bid more. S has to bid more. I don't think I'd get to slam with silent opponents either.
Posted 2010-February-02, 09:49
Tough hand.
Posted 2010-February-02, 10:10
jjbrr, on Feb 2 2010, 10:10 AM, said:
If you've defined N's 4♦ as this hand, he cannot bid more. S has to bid more. I don't think I'd get to slam with silent opponents either.
One of our opponents passed quietly with 8 clubs.
Posted 2010-February-02, 10:14
P_Marlowe, on Feb 2 2010, 03:51 AM, said:
I think, you can and should make another move.
As it is, you have a 10 card fit, and a 6-4 shape, there is a comment
by Klinger - "The sky is the limit".
I dont think you are strong enough to force to slam, but you should a
last try. If you have it av. 5H as a natural invite would be brilliant.
I was debatting with myself, if I would have prefered a 4C splinter bid
instead of the 4D bid, and my feeling is, I would prefer it.
Opener gives p the chance to make a cue below the game level, opener
will be deighted to hear a Ace showing 4D bid.
And the diamond suit is nice, but it could be better.
But as always, it is tough to bid slams on perfect fitting hands.
With kind regards
5H would have been trump quality ask. Personally, I like it as a general slam try, but trump ask is standard in the area.
I like 4C splinter better, too. That would have had its own challenges.
So my options are...
4S-risking partner getting excited with a stiff spade
4N-risking bidding past 5H when partner has 2 with the Q
5H-encouraging partner to bid 6 when having duplication in hearts (HQ)
I think I pretty much am endplayed into 4H or 6H.
Posted 2010-February-02, 11:23
straube, on Feb 2 2010, 11:10 AM, said:
jjbrr, on Feb 2 2010, 10:10 AM, said:
If you've defined N's 4♦ as this hand, he cannot bid more. S has to bid more. I don't think I'd get to slam with silent opponents either.
One of our opponents passed quietly with 8 clubs.
worked pretty well this time!
Posted 2010-February-02, 12:24
655321, on Feb 1 2010, 11:51 PM, said:
CSGibson, on Feb 1 2010, 11:32 PM, said:
What? Opener is supposed to force to the 5 level with Axx AJxx KQTxxx ?
Well partner did think for a long time before bidding 4H!
Pretty sure I would not find this slam.
Posted 2010-February-02, 12:40
4♣ is exclusion, 4♠ shows one key card and not a complete minimum, 4N is Q♥ ask and responder shows Q or extra length and K♠.
Yes you'll be in the odd ropy slam on this auction (Kxxx, KQxx, xx, xxx is not that appealing), but it's unlikely to be horrible.
Posted 2010-February-02, 21:48
655321, on Feb 1 2010, 09:51 PM, said:
CSGibson, on Feb 1 2010, 11:32 PM, said:
What? Opener is supposed to force to the 5 level with Axx AJxx KQTxxx ?
I don't know. I just have trouble that partner makes such an ambigous bid as 4 diamonds. Yes, it tells of the source of tricks, but it gives no clue to partner that KQxx KQxxx J xxx is gold, while xxx KQxxx J KQxx is not. I prefer that 4 diamond bid to have three black suit losers and a heavily concentrated hand, more like AQJx AKJ9xx. Since it takes up so much bidding room, it has to be well defined, and I don't think responder's hand fits - unless responder plans to bid again in an attempt to clarify his controls, that is.
That is why I'd prefer a splinter of 4 clubs - all secondary cards outside of the club suit have some value, and a splinter conveys that message well.