We are playing coded minors, so 1 club could either be any 18-19 point balanced hand that intended to rebid 1N, or it could be any unbalanced hand with at least 4 clubs, but this would also be a problem for me playing standard.
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and the bid is...
Posted 2010-January-30, 12:38
We are playing coded minors, so 1 club could either be any 18-19 point balanced hand that intended to rebid 1N, or it could be any unbalanced hand with at least 4 clubs, but this would also be a problem for me playing standard.
Chris Gibson
Posted 2010-January-30, 13:17
So partner never has a weak NT hand type? That is MUCHHHH better than playing standard methods. And he only has 4 clubs if he's 4414 exactly, or if he's balanced 18-19 in which case he can bid again?
Seems like 3C and X are your options, 3C is a good one since partner almost always has 5 clubs if he's going to pass 3 clubs. X will work better in the unlikely event that partner can pass it with 3415/4414 hand type (but in the latter case he will almost never pass), or when 2S is a superior partial to 3C (unlikely since we have such weak spades). X works needlessly poorly whenever partner has a strong hand with 4 spades and a heart stopper and we end up in 4S instead of 3N.
3C seems like an easy choice given your methods.
Seems like 3C and X are your options, 3C is a good one since partner almost always has 5 clubs if he's going to pass 3 clubs. X will work better in the unlikely event that partner can pass it with 3415/4414 hand type (but in the latter case he will almost never pass), or when 2S is a superior partial to 3C (unlikely since we have such weak spades). X works needlessly poorly whenever partner has a strong hand with 4 spades and a heart stopper and we end up in 4S instead of 3N.
3C seems like an easy choice given your methods.
The artist formerly known as jlall
Posted 2010-January-30, 13:18
Oops sorry voted before I read the system description.
Playing standard I would double but this is a good hand for your system as I have a more comfortable 3♣ bid.
Playing standard I would double but this is a good hand for your system as I have a more comfortable 3♣ bid.
The world would be such a happy place, if only everyone played Acol :) --- TramTicket
Posted 2010-January-30, 13:19
helene_t, on Jan 30 2010, 02:18 PM, said:
Oops sorry voted before I read the system description.
Playing standard I would double but this is a good hand for your system as I have a more comfortable 3♣ bid.
Playing standard I would double but this is a good hand for your system as I have a more comfortable 3♣ bid.
Yeah in standard I would double or pass
The artist formerly known as jlall
Posted 2010-January-30, 15:42
seems like an easy 3♦ wtp... overbid now, sort it out later in the play
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