how do you open?
Posted 2010-January-25, 08:28
Now we open 4 card suits up the line, weak nt 12-14, no canape( THIS IS NOT SUFFICIENT TO CANAPE OR REVERSE ANYWAY), no miniroman.
I think i would have opened 1 hearts, and pass 1nt by partner or bid as little as i could if he bid something else.
However, could there be an argument in favor of simply not opening this hand?
The opp opened 1 diamond and reversed to 2 hearts after a 1nt response, contract was down 1, his partner, as expected, was chockfull of clubs.
Posted 2010-January-25, 08:35
Posted 2010-January-25, 09:00
Canape and reverse bidding are two much different methods of bidding.
Canape bidding does not show any extra values, reverse bidding shows 'extras.'
Canape is bidding your longer suit at your second turn to bid.
Reverse bidding is bidding your suits(longer first) in a way that partner needs to go to the three level to prefer your first bid suit.
1D-1H-1S is not a reverse while 1D-1NT-2H is a reverse.
If you open 1major and partner bids 1N, your next bid is 2D
Yes, partner often has lots of clubs, but after 1H-1NT they will also often have 2/3+ diamonds.
Passing is not a winning option here unless you are only looking at this one result.
I once overcalled a 3C preempt with AQ10xxx and a 16HCP hand, it went X and I went minus 1,400. I still overcall with decent six card suits and 16 HCP since it works most of the time.
The other pair that bid 1D-1NT-2H has no idea of proper bidding.
It was be fairly normal to see 1D-1NT-2D all pass here.
Partner did not hold 2-3 Ds?
Posted 2010-January-25, 09:10
Even though the hand is not strong enough for a reverse, doesn't mean it isn't excellent. Not opening it is losing in the long run. Most of the time partner partner will have something like 3325 so I wouldn't consider rebidding ♦ even at imps.
Posted 2010-January-25, 09:53
I rebid 2♦ and hope for the best. If partner is 3-3-1-6 I will regret this, but most other cases work out well. We could have a 9 card diamond fit.
Posted 2010-January-25, 09:59
The adv. of 1D is, that 1H takes away the option, that p raises to 2D.
After a 1NT response you can either Pass or bid 2D.
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2010-January-25, 14:14
Posted 2010-January-25, 14:20
nigel_k, on Jan 25 2010, 11:14 PM, said:
Agree with Nigel
Posted 2010-January-25, 14:34
Posted 2010-January-25, 16:47
Posted 2010-January-26, 13:02
The void is an asset in a suit contract and a defect in NT play.
It's quite probable that partner's suit is clubs. If the suit is solid (AKQxxxx), he cannot possibly have an outside entry to get to his hand to cash it, not to mention some people would have already bid 2♣ with this holding. If the suit is not solid (KJ86542), he cannot have enough entries to hand to be able to establish the suit and then return to hand to cash any remaining winners. However, if the suit is not solid, he will have scattered values in the other three suits, all of which will help strengthen our hand in suit play.
So many experts, not enough X cards.
Posted 2010-January-27, 06:50
Posted 2010-January-28, 07:01
Posted 2010-January-28, 07:20
I would pass a 1NT bid from partner and correct a 2♣ answer to 2♦.
Posted 2010-January-28, 09:01
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We're in the universe, and the universe is in us.
Posted 2010-January-28, 10:14
wyman, on 2012-May-04, 09:48, said:
rbforster, on 2012-May-20, 21:04, said:
My YouTube Channel
Posted 2010-January-28, 10:35
Posted 2010-January-28, 11:06
I am more interested in what to choose if partner bids 1♥/♠ over 1♦. Now the hand has gone up in value - enough to splinter?