Posted 2010-January-22, 17:54
Dearest Art,
I have respectfully considered your arguments on why bidding 4N might be better than doubling. However, I think that picking a few hands where bidding 4N works better than doubling is a bad way to go about deciding which is a better call, because there are many possible outcomes. If you wanted to do a simulation of thousands of hands, that might work, but cherry picking one or two hands where 4N works better than doubling is not helpful, since you could easily do the same and pick the worst case outcomes for bidding 4N, where doubling works much better, and advance that as an argument for doubling. Again, that argument would not mean much.
You have successfully proven that there are deals on which bidding 4N works better than doubling, but you have done nothing to prove that bidding 4N will work better than doubling in the long run. That is fine, because there is not much you can do, except maybe an extensive simulation, in order to do so. But to pick a few hands that you yourself created with the purpose not of finding truth, but simply of backing up your decision to bid 4N rather than to double, does not advance your cause much.
This is what the user "jdonn" was saying when he asked roger (sarcastically, in case you missed it), what parnter would do with KQT9 of spades and out.
This is what the user "rogerclee" was saying, when he very reasonably said " I wasn't trying to prove that it was impossible for 4N to work out better than double. I was trying to explain why it was less likely to work out better. "
In response to this, you created a couple more examples where bidding 4N is right.
What do you expect in response to this? Would it mean much to you if I said "yeah, but partner can have QJx xx xx QJxxxx!" Of course, you would then see that as a futile excersize to further my agenda of being "right" when I say that double is better than 4N, and that it is really quite meaningless. You might not see that I am doing the exact same thing that you did when you created some hands.
You might consider that people who think double is better than 4N realize that 4N can work better than double. Even if they LOL the notion of bidding 4N, it does not mean that they think 4N will never work better. They might similarly LOL the notion of passing with 20 HCP in 4th seat, even though you, ArtK, could create a layout where that pass would be a winner. You would probably then get LOLed some more, or perhaps be subject to sarcastic and snide comments though.