I think system played by Lauria-Versace is thing of beauty. Basics are very simple and natural and most bids can be guessed on general grounds. It cointains some relay sequences though when it's needed. One of them is Gazilli:
1♠ - 1TN
2♣ (natural, or any 17+)
Now 2♦ is usual relay (any 8+) but the answers are somewhat misterious to me. It's different scheme than the one used in Ambra (2♥ = any 5-4, 2♠ = weakish 5-4♣) etc.
They answer 2♥ with weak hand with 4♣ and 2NT with gf balanced hand (they never open 1♥/1♠ on 5-3-3-2 15-17 with 5M).
No I wonder how they bid 5-4 shapes and what do they do with 15pc and 5-3-3-2.
Any help regarding this scheme (or other sequences after Gazilli in their system) is welcome

Take care