I'd be making pretty damn sure im in at least 4♥ when I have play opposite nearly all hands as long as it has an ace (Axx void xxxxx xxxxx is pretty much cold....) and I'm cold barring a ruff opposite any hand with the ♠Q.
OTOH, 5♣ looks easy for NS.
How do you beat 3 hearts?
Posted 2010-January-15, 20:43
you led ♠10 and declarer played north to have ♠Ax ducking the next round and keeping the heart entry in dummy
wait that only brings 4 defensive tricks
that's the est I could sorry
wait that only brings 4 defensive tricks
that's the est I could sorry
Posted 2010-January-15, 21:07
manudude03, on Jan 15 2010, 06:35 PM, said:
I'd be making pretty damn sure im in at least 4♥ when I have play opposite nearly all hands as long as it has an ace (Axx void xxxxx xxxxx is pretty much cold....) and I'm cold barring a ruff opposite any hand with the ♠Q.
OTOH, 5♣ looks easy for NS.
OTOH, 5♣ looks easy for NS.
at 5♣ you lose a trick in each suit except trump
With south bidding strongly, and partner silent, how is one to expect that partner has the Q♠ Any old Ace does not bring the contract to 10 tricks, only the A♠. Without a spade honor in east's hand, west needs a minor suit A or K (with south holding the A and ducking or else East has to have an entry) and North must have a spade honor (and you have to guess which one it is. After south's takeout double, I would not have been surprised to find him with AQxx of spades.
I was prepared to bid to 3♥ when red, and would have bid to 4♥ white. North's pass let me off the hook as I figured I was guarenteed a plus score vs a likely minus.