Sanity check
Posted 2010-January-11, 08:12
Posted 2010-January-11, 10:49

Posted 2010-January-11, 11:02
2S is normal but questionable. I have some sympathy for Pass, but I have zero sympathy for 1S.
Fred Gitelman
Bridge Base Inc.
Posted 2010-January-11, 11:08
it's mostly the same problem (of course it makes sense to bid spades lighter than hearts, which I think is why I opened this 1♠ but was reluctant to do so on the other hand). I wonder if the same people have the same choices. I will cross-check.
anyway of course I'm happy that this thread exists, now we learned about the Bowles method

I kind of remember a similar thread from longer ago but I can't find it.
George Carlin
Posted 2010-January-11, 14:10
gnasher, on Jan 12 2010, 01:17 AM, said:
nigel_k, on Jan 11 2010, 11:08 AM, said:
The people who suggested 1♠ are either point count addicts or need to take a closer look at the actual hand.
The Bowles evaluation method* values this as an opening bid. The people who suggest it's a pass are either Kaplan/Rubens addicts or need to take a closer look at the actual hand.
Doesn't that make just as much sense as what you posted?
* This method consists of looking at the hand and deciding how much I like it.
Heh. I suspect one difference is that Kaplan/Rubens is designed to get to contracts that most of us can make while the Bowles method is designed for getting to contracts that only Andy Bowles can make.
Still, this is really quite a bad hand. Before using K/R I looked at the hand and decided how much I liked it and the answer was 'not much'. K/R is just a shortcut way to attach a number to the things that make this hand bad.
Posted 2010-January-11, 14:41
Why "preempt" ? Why not think about 2M openings as just weak openings with 6card majors ? Not as "preempts".
Going through generated hadns I think 2♠ works best. This is why I open it. I don't care at all about beauty points.
Posted 2010-January-11, 16:01
OleBerg, on Jan 8 2010, 11:37 AM, said:
There is one strange reason to be optimistic about this hand:
Any Kings and Queens that partner was dealt are working cards.
For me that helps justify opening at the 2-level, but not at the 1-level. With respect to opening 1S, I can't get past the close to zero quick tricks.
Fred Gitelman
Bridge Base Inc.
Posted 2010-January-11, 17:12

zero quick tricks, but lots of slow ones eheh
Posted 2010-January-11, 19:28
Whats the problem again?
Posted 2010-January-12, 02:07
fred, on Jan 12 2010, 05:01 AM, said:
OleBerg, on Jan 8 2010, 11:37 AM, said:
There is one strange reason to be optimistic about this hand:
Any Kings and Queens that partner was dealt are working cards.
For me that helps justify opening at the 2-level, but not at the 1-level. With respect to opening 1S, I can't get past the close to zero quick tricks.
Fred Gitelman
Bridge Base Inc.
This comment appears to be oxymoronic. If the quacks are working cards then they are working in a 1 level contract as well. A 2S opening, (or its equivalent), should be a much purer bid in my opinion. All 2S will do is to confuse partner; I regard it as a very poor bid. As I said, I don't mind pass, and would do so with certain more conservative partners.
Posted 2010-January-12, 04:27
fred, on Jan 11 2010, 11:01 PM, said:
Any Kings and Queens that partner was dealt are working cards.
Well, it means that the hand has the offensive potential that partner expects from a 2♠ opening. If he bids 4♠ to make it is probably ok. Maybe we go down but in that case we would probably have gotten the same bad results if I start with a pass and then invite to game after his opening. Maybe a 2♠ opening serves to rightside the contract, if p opens 1NT we may end up in 4♠ by the wrong side after a transfer. (This is not much of an issue for strong-notrumpers since if p has 15+ we probably have game anyway).
The problem I see is that the queens may work in defense also, so if partner bids 4♠ as a sac, and he is assuming we play disciplined preempts, it is likely to be bad.
Posted 2010-January-21, 11:13
Posted 2010-January-21, 12:59
jdonn, on Jan 21 2010, 07:13 PM, said:
Do not underestimate the power of the dark side. Or the ninth trumph.
Best Regards Ole Berg
We should always assume 2/1 unless otherwise stated, because:
- If the original poster didn't bother to state his system, that means that he thinks it's obvious what he's playing. The only people who think this are 2/1 players.