hanp, on Dec 17 2009, 02:18 PM, said:
Ken, I think your rule is reasonable indeed. How about a 5S by responder then? Would that do justive to the hand?
I'm not sure that I follow. When would Responder bid 5
♠? I assume that you mean in this sequence:
♠(forced so far)-P-4
That's an interesting call. By not bidding 4
♥, Responder will have denied a heart control. Unilaterally bypassing 4
♠ means that Responder has just cause for interest.
What calls above 4
♠ mean for Responder depends on agreement.
4NT seems odd as a RKCB call. Responder should never be captain in this sequence. So, I guess 4NT is what I usually mean for 4NT -- a trump control. That also, however, would be strange in the context of Opener having shown solid trumps. But, I suppose 4NT then should show unexpected spade length and some sort of distributional value.
♣, then, would deny that, in theory. So, I would expect that 5
♣ should show "something more" in clubs. Whatever that "something more" should be, bypassing 5
♣ would seem to deny that.
♦ would seem to be a straight-forward cue. So, bypassing 5
♦ simply denies a diamond control.
♥ would be weird. But, as a jump, I suppose we start kicking into picture bids. The same would seem to be the case with a 5
♠ jump.
So, assuming that, it seems to me that the necessary lack of diamond control (per the leap) and my own general principles as to picture bids, and the generally accepted ideas of pictures bids, alll combined to convince me of the following (after the 4
♦ call):
1. 5
♥ actually shows a heart control, in a shortness form, with extra length (trick source) in clubs.
2. 5
♠ denies a heart control but shows a trick source in clubs that was not right for an initial leap directly over 3
♠ and not good enough for a positive response.
"Gibberish in, gibberish out. A trial judge, three sets of lawyers, and now three appellate judges cannot agree on what this law means. And we ask police officers, prosecutors, defense lawyers, and citizens to enforce or abide by it? The legislature continues to write unreadable statutes. Gibberish should not be enforced as law."
-P.J. Painter.