Opening lead is the ♥Q. Partner is a spade short for her bid, but I like her bid and you've ended up in a pretty reasonable 22 point game. Plan the play.
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Can you do better? hand from 0-5000 blue ribbon finals
Posted 2009-December-20, 04:33
This hand from San Diego was both my worst declared and most costly hand from the nationals. You are in the first session of the finals of the 0-5000 blue ribbons when this hand comes up.
Opening lead is the ♥Q. Partner is a spade short for her bid, but I like her bid and you've ended up in a pretty reasonable 22 point game. Plan the play.
Opening lead is the ♥Q. Partner is a spade short for her bid, but I like her bid and you've ended up in a pretty reasonable 22 point game. Plan the play.
Posted 2009-December-20, 05:05
Winners off the top
2 spades
2 hearts
1 club
Need to find 5 more tricks
From the bidding West is more likely to have a high card than East
Options for additional tricks.
QJ of diamonds, either fin or ruffing fin.
extra some in spades
ruff 2 hearts, hope for a 3-4 break and play the 5th
3 losers in clubs, 4-1 (5-0) split in spades with Q in long suit
If hearts are played on first S needs to drop 2 clubs to give 3 losers
If going for diamonds first N only needs to drop 1 club to give 3 losers
Probably best to play AK of spades first then cross to AD and play the QJ ruffing if the K is played, otherwise drop a club. To cross back play a second heart first then ruff one.
This relies on spades 3-2, hearts 4-3 and diamond K in west.
2 top spades, 3 ruffs (2 hearts and one diamond), 2 top hearts, 5th heart, 2 diamonds.
2 spades
2 hearts
1 club
Need to find 5 more tricks
From the bidding West is more likely to have a high card than East
Options for additional tricks.
QJ of diamonds, either fin or ruffing fin.
extra some in spades
ruff 2 hearts, hope for a 3-4 break and play the 5th
3 losers in clubs, 4-1 (5-0) split in spades with Q in long suit
If hearts are played on first S needs to drop 2 clubs to give 3 losers
If going for diamonds first N only needs to drop 1 club to give 3 losers
Probably best to play AK of spades first then cross to AD and play the QJ ruffing if the K is played, otherwise drop a club. To cross back play a second heart first then ruff one.
This relies on spades 3-2, hearts 4-3 and diamond K in west.
2 top spades, 3 ruffs (2 hearts and one diamond), 2 top hearts, 5th heart, 2 diamonds.
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P - 1♦ - 2♦ (Michaels) - P
3♠ - P - 4♠ - P
P - P