If you play multi yourself, you may want to play something called multi-versus-multi. the following link will open Chris Rydal's descripton of this defense.
This is what misho and I play. It works like this. So they open 2
♦, most likley they have a major. Since ther bid shows potentially a lot of hands, this system does too. A double is an overcall in either major, or a big balanced hand, say 19-22 or 20-23, or three suiter with 19+ (with weaker three suites, pass first).
So here after a double, they don't know what your hand type is and you don't know their suit. But if partner can pass 2
♦X you will find out thier suit real quick... now both you and your partner use Takeout Doubles of their suit...This is also true if responder bids a major over your double...
LEt's look...
♥)-X here, your partner's double is "negative" kind of thng showing
♠'s. IF you have
♥'s or huge balanced hand they are opener are in some trouble. IF you have
♠'s you are ok, too, you can simply show your suit and relative stregnth wth your bid.
Ok, if 2
♥ and 2
♠ are no longer needed over 2
♦ to show your suit when you ahve a major? Waht are they? Well.... here is rest of structure...
- 2♥ = balanced hand, say 15-18 or so. Partner with ♥ can pass, or can correct to 2♠, also to play
- 2♠ and 2NT = minor suit transfers, with super type accepts by partner to show some values. You might play something like this over your own 1NT openings.
- 3♣ and 3♦ = preemptive type bids, not forcing. And here they don't know if they have a fit or not and what opener's major is.
- 3♠/3♥ = michaels, showing like 5-5 in bid major and a minor
- 3NT = big balanced hand, bigger than the immediate double, obviously need stoppers in both majors
Anyway this is fun to play. Take a look at Chris's webpage (link above) for more examples and a great write up.
Chris's webpage also list other defenses. The most standard is probably DIXON. You can find that on his page as well. Good luck, and since I told you about it, you are not allowed to use multi-versus-multi against me... (it is killer, so I don't want to see it used against me). :-)