Though I am a relatively new bridge player, my partner is even more so. Hence this laughable bidding sequence below. Just prior to sitting down together we discussed responses to a strong 2 Club opening. We agreed that a positive response in a suit required a minimum of 5 cards and 2 of the top 3 honors...or 3 of the top 5.
I dealt and picked up this:
Here is the bidding:
2♣ P 2♥ P
3♣ P 3♦ P
4♣ P 4♥ P
6♥ P P P
I had assumed that my partner had at least 5 hearts headed by QJT since I had the top two honors. When he rebid them I assumed he was void in clubs with the same 5 hearts he had originally mentioned or possibly 6.
Partners hand:

I remember thinking to myself when I bid 6 hearts..."Never lay an 8 card suit down in dummy unless it is trump".
Obviously some miscommunication.
Apparently I should have insisted on Clubs?!
After getting a good laugh at this bidding fiasco

Does partner bid some level of NT as his first response with 11HCP?
Do I jump to 4 clubs or 5?
How do we reach the cold grand in clubs?