A fellow poster wanted to stop irritating partner, that must be something experts do, because i do not know how to do that after several years of play.
But, further, i would like to stop being irritated by the following rebids, and figured if i knew what to expect i would be less irritated, so i ask.
1. assuming a 15-17 nt range played
2. assuming sa or 2 over 1
1 heart opening bid- pass- 1spade response- pass- 2NT
What is the range for a 2nt opener`s rebid after a major opening bid?
1 minor opening bid- pass- 1nt response- pass- 3nt
What is the range, or hand feature, for a 3nt opener`s rebid after responder has issued a limited response and now must play with the presumably better dummy exposed?
thanks folks
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rebid question solution to irritation
Posted 2009-November-25, 07:47
is 18-19 balanced.
is a strong 1633, maybe it promises a solid suit.
Can be played as with plain "to play", i.e. typically 18-19 balanced, so that 2NT become invitational (after a 1♥ opening, you might want to bid 2NT with a 4522 17-count). This is what GIB plays.
Alternatively it can be played as showing a 6-card in the major, typically 6322. Maybe it promises a solid suit (a GF hand with a non-solid suit would have to rebid either 4M or 3m, then).
Dunno what is standard.
is 18-19 balanced.
is a strong 1633, maybe it promises a solid suit.
Can be played as with plain "to play", i.e. typically 18-19 balanced, so that 2NT become invitational (after a 1♥ opening, you might want to bid 2NT with a 4522 17-count). This is what GIB plays.
Alternatively it can be played as showing a 6-card in the major, typically 6322. Maybe it promises a solid suit (a GF hand with a non-solid suit would have to rebid either 4M or 3m, then).
Dunno what is standard.
The world would be such a happy place, if only everyone played Acol :) --- TramTicket
Posted 2009-November-25, 08:06
1m-1N-3N is similar to 1m-1M-3N... probably 15-17 or so... a very good minor and a side trick or two. Sort of gambling that you can run 9 tricks opposite any random 6 count.
Posted 2009-November-25, 09:08
There is a difference for many between 1♣-P-1NT-P-3NT and 1♦-P-1NT-P-3NT, because a lot of people have 1♣-P-1NT show constructive values (maybe 9-11?), whereas 1♦-P-1NT is perhaps 5-10 or so.
After 1♣-P-1NT, Opener needs about 16+ to bid 3NT. After 1♦-P-1NT, Opener needs about 20+ to bid 3NT, with which he would have opened 2NT. These facts change things, or should.
After 1♣-P-1NT, Opener needs about 16+ to bid 3NT. After 1♦-P-1NT, Opener needs about 20+ to bid 3NT, with which he would have opened 2NT. These facts change things, or should.
"Gibberish in, gibberish out. A trial judge, three sets of lawyers, and now three appellate judges cannot agree on what this law means. And we ask police officers, prosecutors, defense lawyers, and citizens to enforce or abide by it? The legislature continues to write unreadable statutes. Gibberish should not be enforced as law."
-P.J. Painter.
-P.J. Painter.
Posted 2009-November-25, 09:13
babalu1997, on Nov 25 2009, 08:41 AM, said:
But, further, i would like to stop being irritated by the following rebids, and figured if i knew what to expect i would be less irritated, so i ask.
1. assuming a 15-17 nt range played
2. assuming sa or 2 over 1
1 heart opening bid- pass- 1spade response- pass- 2NT
What is the range for a 2nt opener`s rebid after a major opening bid?
1 minor opening bid- pass- 1nt response- pass- 3nt
What is the range, or hand feature, for a 3nt opener`s rebid after responder has issued a limited response and now must play with the presumably better dummy exposed?
thanks folks
1. assuming a 15-17 nt range played
2. assuming sa or 2 over 1
1 heart opening bid- pass- 1spade response- pass- 2NT
What is the range for a 2nt opener`s rebid after a major opening bid?
1 minor opening bid- pass- 1nt response- pass- 3nt
What is the range, or hand feature, for a 3nt opener`s rebid after responder has issued a limited response and now must play with the presumably better dummy exposed?
thanks folks
RE: 1♥ (P) 1♠ (P); 2NT
This is complicated only by whether or not you open 1NT with 5cM. If you don't then you have rebid problems with 15-17 w/5cM some use 2NT to show that. If you do open 1NT w/5cM, then it is a balanced 18-19 with 2 or 3♠. a 3NT rebid is generally not well defined but Helene's suggestion is playable.
RE: 1m (P) 1NT (P); 3NT is generally defined as a gambling 3NT(with known minor suit) with side winners

"Tell me of your home world, Usul"
the Freman, Chani from the move "Dune"
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."
George Bernard Shaw
the Freman, Chani from the move "Dune"
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."
George Bernard Shaw
Posted 2009-November-25, 10:37
I suggest that most 17 counts with a 5 card major are too good to open 15-17 1N. Most experts routinely upgrade 17 counts containing a 5 card suit, unless the hand is flawed or the suit is weak.
So most would play that 1♥ 1♠ 2N is 17-19. I am speaking in terms of 2/1 or standard, in which 2N is nf.
1minor 1N 3N: it depends.
Many 2/1 players have 1♣ 1N showing 8-10 hcp, while over 1♦ it would be 6-10 (ok, 5-10 if you hate passing even with no major).
After opening 1♣, opener may choose to jump to 3N on less high card than over 1♦ especially if he has what looks like a running suit. Ax Qxx xx AKJ10xx: opposite a balanced 8-10, especially when they will usually stretch to lead a major, 3N looks like a reasonable shot.
After a 1♦ opener, the 3N will usually be around 19 balanced...with a flat 18, invite...or compensating values such as good, long diamonds and stuff on the side....maybe a maximum 3♦ rebid hand with no shortness....17-18 hcp.
So most would play that 1♥ 1♠ 2N is 17-19. I am speaking in terms of 2/1 or standard, in which 2N is nf.
1minor 1N 3N: it depends.
Many 2/1 players have 1♣ 1N showing 8-10 hcp, while over 1♦ it would be 6-10 (ok, 5-10 if you hate passing even with no major).
After opening 1♣, opener may choose to jump to 3N on less high card than over 1♦ especially if he has what looks like a running suit. Ax Qxx xx AKJ10xx: opposite a balanced 8-10, especially when they will usually stretch to lead a major, 3N looks like a reasonable shot.
After a 1♦ opener, the 3N will usually be around 19 balanced...with a flat 18, invite...or compensating values such as good, long diamonds and stuff on the side....maybe a maximum 3♦ rebid hand with no shortness....17-18 hcp.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari
Posted 2009-November-25, 10:39
mikeh, on Nov 25 2009, 11:37 AM, said:
I suggest that most 17 counts with a 5 card major are too good to open 15-17 1N. Most experts routinely upgrade 17 counts containing a 5 card suit, unless the hand is flawed or the suit is weak.
So most would play that 1♥ 1♠ 2N is 17-19. I am speaking in terms of 2/1 or standard, in which 2N is nf.
So most would play that 1♥ 1♠ 2N is 17-19. I am speaking in terms of 2/1 or standard, in which 2N is nf.
I almost always upgrade 17 with a 5 card major too, but likewise with 19 into 2NT. So I think the 'official' range is 18-19, but in practice it's really 17-18.
Please let me know about any questions or interest or bug reports about GIB.
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