Notice of Thread/Post Moderation A place where moderators describe action
Posted 2012-February-04, 23:13
Posted 2012-February-09, 14:05
Posted 2012-February-11, 21:52
Posted 2012-February-17, 15:54
Posted 2012-February-18, 23:35
Moved the thread about uploading hands to a teaching table from Support for Bridgebase Products to BBO Support Forum, since it's about BBO.
Posted 2012-February-28, 11:29
1. We do not allow public accusations of cheating either here in this forum or on line while playing on bbo. This is long standing BBO policy, predating my appointment as either a yellow online or an administrator here in these forums.
2. In the forum posting a hand that "you played" and not mentioning the name of the opponents you played against is essentially a public accusation of cheating, the reason being that anyone can find the hand in question in a matter of seconds to minutes using myhands. An exception would exist if you waited until the hands rolled off the myhands list, or you had someone else who didn't play the hand post it (so there was no relationship between the poster and the hand played in the myhand record). So, for instance, if you posted a hand you kibitzed, that would be ok as long as you didn't provide the name of any of the players (but don't say, something like in a 2pm tourney yesterday, for instance).
3. I know for a fact that cheating occurs in online bridge games (regardless of where hosted). So does Fred, uday, all the yellows, and no doubt every member of this forum.
4. BBO has an active ethic department that investigate cheating claims. When necessary, cheaters are dealt with privately. There is a pecking order for cheating obviously. In events that cost money (the various bbo rating point events) the investigating of cheating is proactive. That is, people not even reported to abuse are investigated, and every person reported as being a "cheater" is investigated, usually within a day or two.
5. The private tournaments run by volunteers and that do not award BBO rating points (like the one described by rhm), the tourney host police/investigate their own events. You can report those players to the tourney host and to abuse. Should they play in bbo rating point events, they will certainly jump to the top of the list to be investigated for possible cheating. If they stick to free tournaments and main room games, they will not get a high priority to be investigated.
6. I have been away since last Tuesday, without internet access, getting back late last night (local time), so I just ran across this post this morning. This is why I didn't remove it, and probably has a lot to do with why it stayed as long as it did. I can speak to why no one of the other administrators didn't remove it, I will assume they didn't read it.
Posted 2012-February-28, 11:35
Posted 2012-March-08, 13:58
deleted a duplicate post of the same one (posted while hiding the first copy during editing and replying).
Posted 2012-March-11, 22:58
Or, let me cancel a thread I have started when the usual suspects ----instead of answering a bidding question within the given conditions----merely give their own conditions.
Posted 2012-March-12, 01:06
George Carlin
Posted 2012-March-12, 07:45
"...we live off being battle-scarred veterans who manage to hate our opponents slightly more than we hate each other.” -- Hamman, re: Wolff
Posted 2012-March-12, 08:28
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2012-March-13, 13:55
Posted 2012-March-13, 15:11
Posted 2012-March-15, 09:42
Posted 2012-March-15, 09:47
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2012-March-15, 19:26
gwnn, on 2012-March-12, 01:06, said:
Come on, give him your plus for real instead of just posting it!
Posted 2012-March-16, 02:23
Posted 2012-March-17, 09:53