hrothgar, on 2011-July-07, 09:32, said:
I'm sorry if Das Kapital was considered off topic.
I will make sure that I only cut and paste from climate change related web sites.
Please look forward to a LOT of stimulating content tomorrow evening
Normally I would not respond to this, after all I was 1) against the water cooler forum being created (I wanted the site to stick to just bridge), and 2) against Uday's decision to allow climate control thread back in (several have been deleted).
There is no doubt that some people post in that thread and not about bridge on this site. There is no doubt that feelings run strong on both sides of the issue. I have my own thoughts on that issue, but I am not going to get into whatever is passing off as a debate in that thread. I am sure that 99.9% of the forum members are not reading it, and I am not reading it (I do however get more "reports" about that thread than any other, so I occassional have to take some form of action, despite not wanting to be a moderator of that forum---- notice my name is not on it as a moderator, but the software sends me reports when the button is pushed anyway).
Since I don't want to have to deal with whatever this childish problem is that you are threatening, and since A :LOT of cut-and-paste from other websites violates our fair use rules when a hyperlink would do, I am not going to allow it. To make sure this DOES not occur, your post are going to have to be reviewed by a board moderator until you decide to tell us you are not going to continue in this childish behavior.
Since I am enforcing a no large cut-and-paste on your post, the same rule will apply to others. Feel free to point out where large secions are cut and paste from other sources (as opposed to original content). These will be reviewed on a case-by-case for each post unless a violator either goes overboard or threatens to go overboard (as you did), in which case the same moderation of his or her post will be in effect until they also stop their childish behavior.
If I had my way, we would all get back to just posting about bridge here, and go somewhere else for these climate control postings, but since we have a water cooler forum and since uday has allowed it back in, let's keep the discussion and posting mature. The good news is the 99.9% of forum members can ignore the flame war in that thread and the childish behavior of a few of our members on this hot-button topic. Sure wish I could too,

but I only read post in that thread reported to me, no other ones.