Notice of Thread/Post Moderation A place where moderators describe action
Posted 2010-August-30, 11:51
This made fun of the player involved, for no reason other than to ridicule. I probablly should have deleted the post but there was some discussion afterwards that might have value, so I went with the edit.
Posted 2010-September-07, 07:15
Posted 2010-September-09, 07:48
Posted 2010-September-22, 10:46
A thread about connecting to BBO via satellite communication was moved from General Bridge Discussion to BBO support.
Posted 2010-September-30, 19:50
I deleted on tasteless thread from the water cooler, and I am not even moderator of water cooler and tend not to read that forum.
Posted 2010-September-30, 19:52
inquiry, on Sep 30 2010, 08:50 PM, said:
I deleted on tasteless thread from the water cooler, and I am not even moderator of water cooler and tend not to read that forum.
Posted 2010-September-30, 21:30
Posted 2010-October-03, 11:30
Posted 2010-October-29, 22:48
Any idea who that really is?
Posted 2010-October-30, 09:08
Posted 2010-November-02, 23:05
Posted 2010-November-04, 11:33
Besides the personal attacks that were contained in this thread, I do not think it is an appropriate topic for discussion on these Forums.
Fred Gitelman
Bridge Base Inc.
Posted 2010-November-04, 18:37
fred, on 2010-November-04, 11:33, said:
Besides the personal attacks that were contained in this thread, I do not think it is an appropriate topic for discussion on these Forums.
Fred Gitelman
Bridge Base Inc.
Good move Fred, however when a statement/explanation says, "I do not think..." is that a questionable reason??
I truly like this forum.

Posted 2010-December-21, 22:49
At the very least, the link in that post was "broken".
Posted 2010-December-21, 22:55
Posted 2010-December-23, 09:04
I am posting this info here, simply because I might have hidden (essentially deleted) a reply or two by this user in some post. Should you be that user and are no longer able to post in the forum and have a reasonable explaination for your action, you can write to me at inquiry at bridgebase dot com.
Posted 2010-December-29, 20:36
Anyway, the point is the Beginner/Intermediate forum should allow people to post without even the vague appearance that their post is being made fun of. We were all beginners at one time, and asking question and getting answers in that forum needs to be open and without fear of being made to look silly, wrong, or whatever... So I felt the need to step in without changing the gist of the discussion was necessary.
Posted 2011-January-04, 16:11