Posted 2009-November-20, 07:57
I think this is somewhat a matter of style here. I am really not sure what is standard here regarding the 3c bid. I think that 2c and 3c between them should be able to cater for this hand. My own feeling is that I would bid 2c with hands in the 10-15 or 16 range, and bid 3c with stronger hands than that. So i think 3c was fine. Given that, its definately wrong for north to pass 4d. I would be closer to bidding slam with that north hand than passing. Perhaps a 4h cue over 4d is about right if you think that partner is showing a strong hand. Despite the club void, partner is quite likely to be entry rich so the clubs could still provde tricks for slam. Ruffing of hearts is also possible.
3-1-3-6 or 2-1-4-6 are probably the most likely hand shapes after 3c and 4d, so the heart ace is a huge card. Ax x ATxx AKxxxx and slam is a virtual laydown opposite a hand not good enough to bid 3c.
Jump shifts in the pass out seat are often a weak spot in partnership discussion, so these kind of misunderstandings are not uncommon at club level.
The physics is theoretical, but the fun is real. - Sheldon Cooper
1♠, P, P, 3♣
P, 3♦, P, 4♦
All pass