Scoring: MP
I asked in another thread how to bid the reasonable 6♣ contract. Justin suggested:
At our table, we started with
1♦ - 1NT
After this, things kind of went south. So I'll start my questions there:
1. If you had to choose, right now, between 3NT and 5♣, which would you chose? (As a B/I, I sometimes get excited and jump to a game I think I can make, ignoring slam possibilities.) I ask this mostly to understand the mindset going forwards - i.e. where I should be driving to.
2. It occurred to me in the post-mortem that bidding 3♥ here can "never cost". 3♥ seems right if you're trying to get to 3NT, but if you're trying to decide between 5♣ and 6♣ is it still always the right first step?
3. Are these right? Responses to 3♥:
- 3♠ - Denies a spade stopper. 2254 or (13)54.
- 3NT - Spade stopper. Likely 3154, or AK or AQ doubleton in ♠ (or can I get away with less in spades? maybe Ax, but not Kx or Qx since I'd be dummy....)
- 4♣ - my hand is not suitable for NT. Guessing at least 5/5 in the minors. (is this my bid with Ax x AKxxx AKxxx?)
- 4♦ - unsuitable for NT, at least 6/4 in the minors?
- 5♣, 5♦ - stronger than the 4 level?
1♦ - 1NT
3♣ - 3♥
3♠ - 3NT
Assuming I'm not already totally lost, is 3NT offer to play with a partial stopper - i.e. Qx, Jxx?
5. After 3NT, 4♣ is a slam try, correct? Forcing to 5♣, shows a better than than an immediate 4♣ or 5♣ (over 3♣) would have?
6. Is this even possible?
1♦ - 1NT
3♣ - 3♥
3NT - 5♣
A slam offer with weak but long clubs? Or not really possible?
7. Last, but not least, in Justin's auction
4♦ - first or second round control
4♥ - first (or second?) round control (already showed a stopper, so maybe this is ace?)
6♣ - I admit, I have trouble picturing this bid. Are you basically counting on A♥, king or queen of ♣, 5+ clubs, and a short pointed suit in dummy?
Thanks in advance. This whole minor game vs nt game vs slam auction is something I'm not as strong on as I'd like to be, and I haven't been able to find the answers I'm looking for elsewhere.