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Bidding Help

#1 User is offline   Tapek 

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Posted 2009-November-16, 14:41

Scoring: MP

1d p 1s 2c
X 3c 3s p

We were the only pair to get to game on this board. I think its more from luck though then good play. I am unsure of the reason for the double from partner in his place i would of passed and then the contract never gets to 4s. Any comments on how you might bid this to game would be welcome im just not sure how to responded past the 2c overcall.

Bidding is just sayc

#2 User is offline   kenrexford 

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Posted 2009-November-16, 14:58

Whereas you nmay have stumble-bunnied into this, I would likely repeat this exact auction.

They keys to this auction in the advanced world:

1. Opener's double is "right" as a high offense-to-defense double. "I have a reason to do something but nothing clear to do." The modern specific definition is a sound 3-card support for partner and options. This is what Opener hass, so I'd double too. A "support double."

2. Responder has ni9ce cards and the right stiff. With a known fit (assuming what I just typed), an invite makes sense.

3. Opener has a maximum (14-count, when 15 opens 1NT) and the right cards (tenaces over the probable stronger hand -- Opener's RHO) to accept.
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#3 User is offline   Jlall 

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Posted 2009-November-16, 15:31

Seems like a good auction. 3S is not invitational but obviously it shows something and south is free to bid with extras. A weak NT type hand is not extras but this hand is so good I would consider it so.

#4 User is online   P_Marlowe 

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Posted 2009-November-16, 16:01


the auction looks reasonable.

Lost of player, play the X of 2C conventional - "Support Contra".
A "Suppoer Contra" is on, if we opened and p responded in a major
and they overcall below the level two of the major.
Than a X by opener showes 3 card support for responders major
and a direct raise gurantees 4 card support.

With kind regards
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)

#5 User is offline   Tapek 

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Posted 2009-November-17, 01:10

Well thanks for the replies the information on that double is very useful and seems a very good tool to have. A few quick questions

I would assume you play the same way with a 1c p 1s 2d auction also?

With 4 hearts i should bid 3h to show 5/4 giving partner a choice since he hasn't denied 4 hearts.

If i swapped an x spade to an x club in the hand above is it simply a pass over the 3c interference.

What would you then bid without interference just 2s showing a minimum hand and partner shouldn't take it for extra's and with a more then min hand just invite I suppose?

#6 User is offline   manudude03 

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Posted 2009-November-17, 02:51

The support double also applies in the auction you just gave. 2H is still a reverse, and 3H is artificial for most people (I play it as a splinter agreeing spades, but realise it may not be mainstream on BBF) With a minimum hand with 4 hearts and less than 3 spades, you can pass knowing partner doesn't have 4 hearts unless he has 5+ spades (respond 1H with 4-4 in the majors) in which case he is very likely to keep the bidding open.

And yes, 2S does show a minimum hand (promising 4 card support)
Wayne Somerville

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