I want to hear what experts think about bidding here. I'll let you know what I bid and the full hand after I hear some responses.
Whats your bid? Interesting 2/1 response problem
Posted 2004-June-11, 21:47
I want to hear what experts think about bidding here. I'll let you know what I bid and the full hand after I hear some responses.
Posted 2004-June-12, 01:32
We shall probably hear a bid from LHO unless partner is 4441 or strong 4432. I feel that 2♦ is most likely to get us to 3NT when it is the right contract.
However, in the version of 2/1 I actually play I'd respond 2♣. This is because 1♦ guarantees 5 diamonds in an unbalanced hand unless 4441.
I dislike the 1NT response as it will wrong side the contract.
Tough problem and I'd expect many different answers.
Posted 2004-June-12, 01:52
Bids available appear to be 1N, 2D and 3C.
1N is a pessimistic view. It may wrongside a subsequent 3N contract but I don't care who plays it at the 1 level. This is one hand where you might welcome a 2M bid by opps, that you can then cue to direct partner to bid 3N with guard that he is happy to have led through. Having started with 1N partner should guess your Club suit, but of course you have concealed the Diamonds.
I vote for 3C (limit bid, invitational with long Clubs). This is still pessimistic but it seems the lesser weevil.
Final thought: how about Pass (lurking). Then cue bid opps suit.
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2004-June-12, 02:19

Posted 2004-June-12, 03:22
So 2♣ for me.
Posted 2004-June-12, 05:46
Is 1♦-2♣ Mancheforcing or 10+. In standard 2/1 it's not GF, but 10+. If playing that I bid 2♣. (One point short, but more then compensated by long ♣).
If you play 1♦-2♣ Mancheforcing:
In that case I bid 2♦: inverted minors: 10+ and fit ♦ and no higher 4 card.
...if you play 1♦-2♣ Mancheforcing & you don't play inverted minors (but this is not 2/1): no good bid. I really don't want to bid 1NT with this hand... I would bid 3♦.
On-line with only agreement 2/1: 2♣
Posted 2004-June-12, 06:03
Posted 2004-June-12, 07:51
Posted 2004-June-12, 08:25
luke warm, on Jun 12 2004, 08:51 AM, said:
Out of interest, how do you respond with a 2=3=2=6 hand with (say) 10 scattered points?
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2004-June-12, 09:30
1eyedjack, on Jun 12 2004, 04:25 PM, said:
luke warm, on Jun 12 2004, 08:51 AM, said:
Out of interest, how do you respond with a 2=3=2=6 hand with (say) 10 scattered points?
over 1D? 1NT... i assume you don't like the 3C diamond limit because of this hand type... the truth is, all conventional raises lose something... for example, i play reverse flannery over 1c or 1d, so i lose the weak jump shift... but it seems to work out fine... here's the whole minor structure, for what it's worth:
Posted 2004-June-12, 20:08
Free, on Jun 12 2004, 02:03 PM, said:
if this is a game force, why not splinter in spades? now 2C could be the right bid, i don't know... but i think a spade splinter might help partner better evaluate the fit..
Posted 2004-June-12, 21:25
Posted 2004-June-13, 02:15
luke warm, on Jun 13 2004, 03:08 AM, said:
Free, on Jun 12 2004, 02:03 PM, said:
if this is a game force, why not splinter in spades? now 2C could be the right bid, i don't know... but i think a spade splinter might help partner better evaluate the fit..
Who says we have a fit in ♦s?? Ok, chance is pretty high p has 4+♦s, but it's not sure. I rather like to show my ♣s, and have to see what partner bids to know how I'll continue.
Posted 2004-June-13, 03:15
Posted 2004-June-13, 03:52
At worst partner is a 4-4-3-2.
3♠ doesnt set diamonds. It merely expresses an opinion about your hand.
A great player once said "Bridge is a Conversation".
Let your bidding box do the talking !!
Posted 2004-June-13, 04:59
Dwingo, on Jun 12 2004, 04:47 PM, said:
I want to hear what experts think about bidding here. I'll let you know what I bid and the full hand after I hear some responses.
are you playing inverted minors?? - if so I bid 2D if not I "cheat" in the 2/1 response and bid 2C

Posted 2004-June-13, 12:53
Free, on Jun 12 2004, 02:03 PM, said:
I agree completely
Posted 2004-June-13, 13:52
as ben said, maybe the diamonds aren't good enough for the diamond limit, but then they also aren't good enough for a 2D inverted raise (IF that raise is a game force - maybe so if can stop at 4m)
as dwayne said, the 3S splinter doesn't necessarily set diamonds, tho it would tend to...
Posted 2004-June-14, 06:14

If I am playing 2♣ as game forcing it is a tough problem, I would bid 2♣, ,but 1NT is very close.
If I was playing with my regular partner.... 3♣: limit minor 2 suiter.
Posted 2004-June-15, 01:46