Probably not in the right forum.
I guess EW were declaring a spade contract and the last five cards in East and West were a spade, three diamonds, and a small club; declarer will have lost a heart so far. Declarer played the last club and claimed expecting to win three tricks but claimed only nine tricks in total. Declarer has apparently conceded four tricks and in asking the TD for a correction to ten tricks he is attempting to have concession cancelled.
The relevant (offline) law is 71.
A concession must stand, once made, except that within the Correction Period established under Law 79C the Director shall cancel a concession:
1. if a player conceded a trick his side had, in fact, won; or
2. if a player has conceded a trick that could not be lost by any normal* play of the remaining cards.
The board is rescored with such trick awarded to his side.
* For the purposes of Laws 70 and 71, "normal" includes play that would be careless or inferior for the class of player involved.
As described, the correct ruling would be to use law 71 to cancel the concession and to score the board as ten tricks to EW.