Posted 2009-June-28, 14:03
1♥ 2♦
3♦ 3♥
3N 4♣
4♦ 4♥
5♦ 5♠
7♦ 7♥
I cannot see using Jacoby with a 5 card side suit, altho I appreciate that others disagree.
3♦ is enough, even tho opener is virtually committed to slam over the 2♦ bid.. this is one of the advantages of 2/1
3♥ shows real heart support, not a mere preference
3N, for me, show a spade cue, with a real slam try.. (3♠ would be a noise... a 'frivolous 3N substitute, showing some mild interest...more than a minimum, but not seriously interested)
4♣ is mandatory, in this scheme, when holding the Ace and responder loves his extra trump, the trump quality and the Kx of spades, even tho the diamonds are suspect
4♦ obvious, I think
4♥ close call... maybe 4♠ would be better... I swung low so as to not seem to be straining to reach the grand
I think that 5♦ is likely to be a more useful cue here... since we can appreciate responder's concern if he has bid 2♦ on Qxxxx(x).. we need to tell him about the AK of diamonds more than we need to tell him about the club void. I think we should assume that partner would NOT have cued 4♣ on a second round control, even tho style says we bid up the line, because he should not cooperate with even a serious slam try with no red card higher than a Queen and no Ace in either black suit.
Responder now should like his hand: he can assume that partner is at worst 2=5=4=2, in which case the second club goes on the long diamond... all he needs for 13 winners is AK of hearts, so would love to bid 5N, GSF, but I don't think that that is what it means... I think it is, for most pairs, pick-a-slam, so I think that S has to find another grand slam try, and fortunately we have one: 5♠ delivers the (probably needed on many layouts) second round control and, by forcing to small slam, shows willingness to co-operate higher.
I hope and think that opener can then picture the trump Queen... and bids 7♦ in case responder is 3=5 or 3=6 in the reds... responder has an easy correction... even a 5-5 diamond fit will almost never play better than the 5=4 heart fit.
It would not surprise me to miss this one, altho I would be mildly disappointed.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari