Who is/are the overbidder(s)??
Posted 2009-June-26, 12:52
Please comment on the bidding. Has someone overbid?
Posted 2009-June-26, 12:56
wyman, on 2012-May-04, 09:48, said:
rbforster, on 2012-May-20, 21:04, said:
My YouTube Channel
Posted 2009-June-26, 13:01
Posted 2009-June-26, 13:08
Posted 2009-June-26, 13:14
I am South. The first two bid of mine is forced, so when my partner jump to 6♣, I think my partner think that we can make 6♣ without the trump K. Now I have the trump K plus the J (the singleton spade is also a push factor), so I bid 7.
IMO, I think North should bid 5♣ but not 6, his two forcing bid has already shown his value.
Posted 2009-June-26, 13:23
dailo, on Jun 26 2009, 02:14 PM, said:
I am South. The first two bid of mine is forced, so when my partner jump to 6♣, I think my partner think that we can make 6♣ without the trump K. Now I have the trump K plus the J (the singleton spade is also a push factor), so I bid 7.
IMO, I think North should bid 5♣ but not 6, his two forcing bid has already shown his value.
Not sure what you mean your bids are forced. Your bids show something, not nothing.
You bid your hand, partner trusted your bids and jumps to 6c....you have nothing extra.
I am guessing you thought your bids showed nothing and over 6c you thought you had a huge hand with huge extras...no.
Posted 2009-June-26, 13:27
mike777, on Jun 26 2009, 02:23 PM, said:
You bid your hand, partner trusted your bids and jumps to 6c....you have nothing extra.
Sorry, let me clarify my point. I mean even I have no HCP I am still "forced" to bid something.
The Clubs KJ10 is extra value IMO.
Posted 2009-June-26, 13:31
If partner bid 5♣ instead of 6, should I bid 6♣? And why? Is there any different between the 6♣ bid and the 7♣ bid?
Posted 2009-June-26, 13:39
dailo, on Jun 26 2009, 03:14 PM, said:
I don't like this logic. My thinking would be that if all partner needed was the ♣K for 7, he would have cuebid instead of jumping to slam. The auction as given is more consistent with a gambler betting you will have at least one thing of value in your hand.
(not that his hand matches that description either, his actual hand suggests that he is really looking for two or three things of value).
Posted 2009-June-26, 15:25
mike777, on Jun 26 2009, 03:23 PM, said:
You bid your hand, partner trusted your bids and jumps to 6c....you have nothing extra.
I am guessing you thought your bids showed nothing and over 6c you thought you had a huge hand with huge extras...no.
If they're not playing Lebensohl, his bids don't show anything but his shape. Based on his other response, I don't think he's playing Lebensohl. But maybe his partner is.

Posted 2009-June-26, 15:29
barmar, on Jun 26 2009, 04:25 PM, said:
mike777, on Jun 26 2009, 03:23 PM, said:
You bid your hand, partner trusted your bids and jumps to 6c....you have nothing extra.
I am guessing you thought your bids showed nothing and over 6c you thought you had a huge hand with huge extras...no.
If they're not playing Lebensohl, his bids don't show anything but his shape. Based on his other response, I don't think he's playing Lebensohl. But maybe his partner is.

I disagree. I think if you have zero points....and not playing Leb you bid 3d and then 4d with this shape. Given that........3d and then 4c shows something.....
Not playing leb you need some way to show a little something after partner rebids 3h.
In any event I assume Leb for this auction.

Posted 2009-June-26, 15:34
dailo, on Jun 26 2009, 02:14 PM, said:
I am South. The first two bid of mine is forced, so when my partner jump to 6♣, I think my partner think that we can make 6♣ without the trump K. Now I have the trump K plus the J (the singleton spade is also a push factor), so I bid 7.
IMO, I think North should bid 5♣ but not 6, his two forcing bid has already shown his value.
I'm not saying your partner should have done what he did, but your logic doesn't work at the table. When partner jumps to a slam he is almost always taking a chance on something, sometimes even more than one thing. He almost never has the 12 rock solid tricks where if you give him one it makes 13.
Posted 2009-June-26, 22:23

Right, I've neglected one point. When people jump to 6 he usually won't have 12 tricks. he expects something from partner. So my partner should have presupposed I have something.
I don't have agree with this partner so I don't assume we are using Lebensohl.