I'm trying to concoct a class on visualization. Unsuccesful players usually look at their cards and dummy's and never try to imagine the two hidden hands (and use that image).
There should be visualization in the bidding. Some examples of this include when partner bids michael's and we have aces and a good fit. Or when partner responds to our Key Card question and we need to know whether s/he has 0 or 3. Or when we are on our way to slam and can't decide between 6 or 7, or NT or suit contract. Or you need to decide whether to compete, sacrifice,, let your opponents play, double them for business, etc.
In defense and play visualization is maybe even more important. You need to picture the unseen hands in order to plan your play or defense.
What I wanted is to have some hands on this subject that you've seen or played before.
Thanks in advance.
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Visualization Teaching Material
Posted 2009-June-17, 06:50
wyman, on 2012-May-04, 09:48, said:
Also, he rates to not have a heart void when he leads the ♥3.
rbforster, on 2012-May-20, 21:04, said:
Besides playing for fun, most people also like to play bridge to win
My YouTube Channel
Posted 2009-June-17, 07:41
If you're pitching to B/I, one mistake that I still make embarrassingly frequently is:
Sorry, I suck at generating example hands. Not as easy as I thought it would be.
The theme I was aiming for is to recognize that west has a singleton heart, from the bidding, and east is the dangerous opponent. Showing a hand where you an lose a finesseable trump honour and still make, but if you lose the finesseable trump honour AND the "obvious" (from visualizaton) impending heart ruff then you're down 1 would be useful, I think.
Sorry, I suck at generating example hands. Not as easy as I thought it would be.
The theme I was aiming for is to recognize that west has a singleton heart, from the bidding, and east is the dangerous opponent. Showing a hand where you an lose a finesseable trump honour and still make, but if you lose the finesseable trump honour AND the "obvious" (from visualizaton) impending heart ruff then you're down 1 would be useful, I think.
Still decidedly intermediate - don't take my guesses as authoritative.
"gwnn" said:
rule number 1 in efficient forum reading:
hanp does not always mean literally what he writes.
hanp does not always mean literally what he writes.
Posted 2009-June-17, 10:13
So what's the answer to your problem Warren? Where will you win trick 1?
and the result can be plotted on a graph.
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2♠ (P) 4♠ (P)
P (P)
West leads a ♥