Posted 2009-June-12, 12:03
Partner's heart 2 was a strange play. Your 6 lead could have been from Q1086, in which case playing the Jack would have won the trick. If it was second from garbage, the Jack does not hurt. So, I don't get it. I suppose partner is making damn sure that there is no entry to dummy, in case Declarer had Q103 and your lead was MUD. I suppose that makes sense after all.
Your diamond plays should be Smith, because you have the Ace.
Partner's diamond plays are assuredly count first. So, I would expect high-low. But, once high is played (5), the next card, whichever of the low cards he plays, should be delayed Smith, IMO. Suit Preference is wrong, IMO. So, if he plays 5-4, he has no interest in hearts (interest in a club switch), but 5-3 is interest (or disinterest in a club try). What you do next depends on which low pip he played at trick three. He should encourage with 5-3, IMO.
With the 10, 9, and 7 on dummy, and only the Q-J-8 remaining, any heart card but the Queen from you should be count at this point, IMO. If you get a positive card as to hearts from partner, then, you send a heart count signal to partner. I'm not sure which card (8 or 4 or 3) sends the right message in your techniques. If you started with 2, you have to play the 8. So, you want to play the 8 from 4 and low from three, as that's easier to read, technically. So, probably upside-down present count makes the most sense. Not sure though.
After trying the spade (maybe disinterest in a club switch means try spades -- not unreasonable but not my choice), which sucks (like I would have guessed), a club out to partner's King (on which you have presumably given count), and a spade back to your 10, partner will know that Declarer either has 5215 shape or 5413 shape. Of course, 5413 shape is unlikely unless Declarer for some reason buried his 4-card heart suit. Furthermore, as you lead 2/4 leads, and returned the 3, you cannot have two hearts, and hence Declarer cannot have 4.
Of course, if you use upside-down present count on your heart play, as a return, partner is forced to rely on the bidding to work out that you have four hearts and not two, but that should be easy enough and is why I think the count assumption is proper (assumed upside-down present count).
"Gibberish in, gibberish out. A trial judge, three sets of lawyers, and now three appellate judges cannot agree on what this law means. And we ask police officers, prosecutors, defense lawyers, and citizens to enforce or abide by it? The legislature continues to write unreadable statutes. Gibberish should not be enforced as law."
-P.J. Painter.