barmar, on Jun 10 2009, 12:48 AM, said:
peachy, on Jun 10 2009, 12:25 AM, said:
"A gross and deliberate deviation from partnership agreement as to suit length or general strength"
The word "gross" is pretty fuzzy. How many points do you have to deviate from your agreed strength for it to be a gross deviation? 1-2 is generally agreed to be not enough, while most would probably consider 5 or 6 to be gross. But 3-4 is in the fuzzy category. And that's just when you count Work points, it becomes more tricky when you have to account for individual hand evaluation. One player might look at a hand and think it's 11 HCP, while another might decide that it's worth 13 HCP because of the 5-card suit and good spot cards; if the former opens it as a 15-17 1NT he would probably be considered to be psyching, but the latter would only be deviating by 2 points.
The word 'gross' is a bit like pornography. Hard to define exactly where the limits of 'gross' are but you recognize it when you see it. As to hand evaluation, if both partners in a partnership follow approximately same evaluation techniques/judgment, and upgrade or downgrade in similar fashion - there is no psych. It becomes a matter of proper disclosure.