what is your rebid
Posted 2009-June-08, 03:47
1H (2d) x /
at ?,what is your rebid:2H/3H/4H or 2S/3S/4S?thanks.
Posted 2009-June-08, 04:31
Yes I have the playing strength for much more. But the bidding warns us that partner will have many points. We may not stop him short of the slam when we overstate our values now.
And the bidding won`t stop here anyway.
Sanity Check: Failure (Fluffy)
More system is not the answer...
Posted 2009-June-08, 09:27
another 7-4
suggest that this view isn't universal.
On this hand, with its scary lack of side-suit entries, if I get forced at trick one and partner has a singleton heart, I'm probably going down. If partner has any other heart holding, I'm much better off in hearts. If partner's minors are good enough for me not to get forced at trick one, I'm probably making 4♥ too.
Anyway, I'm going to bid some number of hearts. KQxx xx xxx xxxx or KQxx x xxxx Axxx would make a good game, so I think four is the correct number.
Posted 2009-June-08, 10:20
gnasher, on Jun 8 2009, 10:27 AM, said:
another 7-4
suggest that this view isn't universal.
Your view might not be universal, but maybe it should be.
Posted 2009-June-08, 16:24
Disagree with gnasher, not playing in a 4-4 fit with a 7-4 hand is universal. (But posters are allowed to make mistakes once in a while

Posted 2009-June-08, 16:42
gnasher, on Jun 8 2009, 10:27 AM, said:
another 7-4
suggest that this view isn't universal.
I think my comments are the ones being referred to in that thread. I should clarify a few points that distinguish that hand from this one.
- In my system I did not have the option to bid the 7 card suit naturally at the optimal level.
- In that problem I would have to play the 7 card suit a level higher than the 4 card suit.
- On a good day I could reach better than a 4-4 fit, perhaps a 5-4 fit.
- I was running from the 4 card suit if doubled.
- I really had no particular confidence I was doing the right thing, and still don't.
I fully agree with rebidding 4♥ here, and agree with cherdanno that choosing a good 7 card suit over a 4-4 fit is pretty much the widely accepted option.
Posted 2009-June-08, 16:50
-P.J. Painter.
Posted 2009-June-08, 17:04
I believe that the USA currently hold only the World Championship For People Who Still Bid Like Your Auntie Gladys - dburn
dunno how to play 4 card majors - JLOGIC
True but I know Standard American and what better reason could I have for playing Precision? - Hideous Hog
Bidding is an estimation of probabilities SJ Simon
Posted 2009-June-08, 17:51
Cascade, on Jun 8 2009, 11:04 PM, said:
Yes, three of them

Posted 2009-June-08, 18:06
jdonn, on Jun 8 2009, 11:42 PM, said:
Not just yours. Benlessard was also planning to play in a 4-4 spade fit.
Posted 2009-June-09, 00:40
The auction so far was
1♥ (2♦) X (pass)
What do you expect partner to hold? 4 spades for sure. But surely some length in diamonds too and surely some more HCPS then just 8. So the bidding is not done and the only guy you will preempt with 4 heart is your partner.
How can he know that AQxx,x,Akxx,Akxx is not enough for a slam, at least not in hearts or NT?
If 4 ♥ is "to play opposite any hand", it would be my bid too. But for me it is not.
Sanity Check: Failure (Fluffy)
More system is not the answer...
Posted 2009-June-09, 04:07
I have 7 hearts, I rebid my hearts.
Now my rebid is either 2H or 4H.
3H is out, since this would overstate my power, 3H is only ok,
if partner passes 3H, and we make 3H, besides it may generate
a gf situation, depending how much the X promised.
4H also overstates my power, but at least we will play game, and
if 3H generated a gf situation, 4H limits my hand.
Most likely I would go with 2H, but than I would not have opened
the hand, so I would not be in the position to worry that partner
will play me for more than I have.
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2009-June-09, 04:08
Second decision: level - I think 3♥ is enough. I might make 170 once in a while , but bidding 4♥ is likely to result in going down on the 5 or 6 level too often. And on most hands where we make game , he will raise.
Another advantage of 3♥ over 4♥ - if partner bids 3NT , I can offer him a choice of (major suit) games with 4♦, in case he has a ♥void , or (surely possible) 5 ♠s.