gwnn, on Jun 3 2009, 04:01 AM, said:
H_KARLUK, on Jun 3 2009, 03:41 AM, said:
I think the petition was pretty respectful. I don't think it implied in any way that you do not know what the correct forms are or that you are insulting us. You may indeed print anything you want and we can ask you (respectfully) to change your ways of ortography. We asked you not to use these forms because it is a little annoying and it has the potential of extending or getting worse. Indeed, if people find something annoying and not speak up,
that would be dishonest. But all of this is in the text, unlike the insults (insults like "monkey business" or ad hominems like guessing for our reasons for posting etc) you appear to have perceived.
I surfed. I saw your photo. You have some great success about Math. Maybe you allow me to congratulate you heartily. Well done. Very good work.
I hope in future days you can find a chance to ask about my personality to a famous bridge player in your country. He is DAN ZARA. Lives in Bucarest. We did online partnership with him on OKBridge. Never lived any small confliction.
But sad to say i smell a few teasing at your posts whenever i start a topic. That's th point I am exactly against it. Sorry; Hamdi is always against GLOATING and SARCASM ! Tell me anything politely and "if" I ignore then you are free to assign th blame. Debates would not gain to any side to catch good ideas for GAME.
I would prefer to read technical comments. As I said we agree or disagree. It is really no big deal in my mind. Say I am wrong I will learn a new thing. So it's a gain.
And the story of "th". It was just a simple typo at start. But when i got harsh reactions .. I think no need to tell rest. We know and aware of everything. Still I belive it's just a simple "emotional reaction" to attack my posts. I dont think when just a simple "e" letter dropped shatters the world. Or when I use "korner" instead of "corner". I cannot imagine they are insults. Are they ?
To me amongst at least 500 forum members some people - not more than 10- like to attitude in an ARROGANT way. I see it's unreal. Bcos in real life I am welcomed with maximum politeness.
I know what means to be young. If th matter is to feel BEST no need. Dead wrong. We donated our times and funds for TURKEY JUNIORS to reach world champions in their category. We never asked any payback. The sole and first condition was simple : FOLLOW ETHICS! You represent a nation. You have no right to debate! You know my country players caught a nice trend in last 3 years in. So we are Ok with polite and humble company.
You may disagree about my words. My fair offer is let's stay away by our posts. I never showed any negative trait whenever you started a topic.
Good luck and I wish more bright success in science if that's really your way.
ps. I am a good guy. You may not believe. Np.