I'm going to post the results of the hands separately throughout the day. Some of the spot cards might have changed slightly, as I just got ahold of the hand records for the afternoon session.
Hand 1:
I know my partner's negative X and subsequent bidding will draw some attention. He plays that a direct cue-bid raise suggests 4 card support. We didn't agree on it beforehand, but he reverted to the agreement anyway in the bidding. He also knew the opponents, and thought they'd be good for at least a trick in defense, so he stretched opposite my own overbid.
Lead was the Jack of spades, run to the Queen. Ace of hearts, heart to the queen, and a diamond pitch on the ace of spades followed. Now a spade ruff, followed by the jack of clubs, LHO popping ace, and returning the diamond queen to the king-ace-ruff. A small club to the king followed, making 6 for a 25 out of 25 top. All it took was a spade lead, a couple of finesses, a guess in the club suit, and a reprehensible defensive error, wonder why no one else was in it, lol.