Interests:Bridge- scuba-natural sex,no porn:)<br> Associate member I.B.P.A. workaholic
Posted 2009-May-22, 21:23
may be the computer-----------But in my tiny mind i can see a room full of electrical console's,and 3 men hairless pulling out motherboards,as in S Kubricks film Space odeysey----------they must be on overtime,it really spoils one;s enjoyment of the site,they manage to freeze me when the bidding or defence gets to a very interesting point--the timing is exciting/frustrating )))))))))
Interests:The Universe, Traveling, Squash, and Scandinavia.
Posted 2009-May-23, 07:42
- Andy -
We are all connected to each other biologically, to the Earth chemically, and to the rest of the universe atomically.
We're in the universe, and the universe is in us.