There is 1 cardinal rule that I never break and it REALLY ticks me off when partner does this to me, which is NEVER to pass a forcing bid. (2
♣, Game try, Slam try, 4th suit, cue bids, Ace asking, etc). Many people regard forcing bids as normal and they forget that if the bidder is still unlimited, he is not asking for an opinion, just infomation from his partner.
The worst example is to pass a 2
♣ opener if playing SAYC or 2/1 or a 1
♣ if playing strong
♣ . I have seen this many times because they say it was their "best guess" as to what the best contract was because they have a 6 card
♣ suit and 2 points. Never mind that their "best guess" was based on no information and that they had no idea what your hand was about.
Another example is when you make a series of cue bids, get the required information from your partner and then bid the final contract, and your partner changes it!!! because he did not have a fit.

(As if you were asking for one in the first place).
This happened to me last night when I opened 2
♣ and eventually placed the contract at 6
♥ after a blackwood sequence. My partner changed it to 6
♠ and I was forced to bid 6 NT.
Of course 6
♥ was cold and I was forced to try a double squeeze to make 6NT. After I made the contract, my partner was convinced he had made a good bid.
What can you do?