your bid
Posted 2009-April-16, 07:32
so, new cross imps game on BBO , board 1 , unknown pt who rates himself expert , board 1 , second in hand
auction goes 1♦ , pass from U , 1♥ , 1♠
I think most people will play neither 2♦ nor 3♦ on the previous round as natural
what to say now?
any suggestions?
Posted 2009-April-16, 07:53
Apollo81, on Apr 16 2009, 08:40 AM, said:
... and aren't we giving the overcall too much credit.... if we could bid it with 2D... but 3D, really...? Playing an Imps game...?
I know partner is a stranger, nevertheless I like him to keep a nice opinion about myself

Posted 2009-April-16, 08:13
petergreat, on Apr 16 2009, 08:42 AM, said:
I think it is natural now.
ummm, where's the LOL man when you need him?
So many experts, not enough X cards.
Posted 2009-April-16, 08:29
Posted 2009-April-16, 08:36
Posted 2009-April-16, 08:45
And it does not really matter, if 3D now is natural.
Why would I want to enter the bidding with such a
rotten suit at the 3 level?
Ever heard the old advice: No fit, No bid.
Maybe partner has 2 diamonds, maybe not, oyu can
of course try and find it out, the good news being,
you dont need to wait until partner tables his hand,
because they may already have told you, how many
diamonds partner holds, when they Xed you.
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2009-April-16, 09:24
We are all connected to each other biologically, to the Earth chemically, and to the rest of the universe atomically.
We're in the universe, and the universe is in us.
Posted 2009-April-16, 10:01
3♦ now is certainly NOT natural, except if you have a specific agreement that it is natural. Makes little sense to me.
I would pass over 2♥, not having any reasonable call available to me.
Posted 2009-April-16, 10:47
on the auction partner can't have a very big hand , so balance of probabilities is that he has playing tricks as he has come in when the opps auction is unlimited
I don't want to let them play 2 H , would like to give them a little push ;
in doing this would like to deceive the opps as to the distribution
as the likely result is that partner will be on lead against a H contract
I will be happy with whatever he leads , as long as it a spade!
so I bid 2 spades !
now forget you know my hand .... when pt bids 2 spades and the next hand bids 3 hearts what do you do with
he bid 3spades which didn't meet with my approval [ I can't imagine overcalling 1Spade in an unlimited auction when you can pass and balance instead of possibly encouraging a terrible lead ]; he said it was automatic for his hand to overcall
he couldn't imagine raising on the bare K ! and said so [ politely I hasten to add]
as always his RHO doubled and he went 2 off trying to make , when 2H and 2S were the respective maximums
happily we agreed to disagree , as having lost 8 imps on this board we put on 83 in the remaining 23 ....without , I might add , any real help from the opps ; better than crying over spilt milk!
any comment as to my partners bidding ? it is already clear that my 2 spade bid is NOT the universal choice

Posted 2009-April-16, 11:22
catatonic, on Apr 16 2009, 11:47 AM, said:
I think 3S is quite appropriate (its close to bidding 4 even) on this auction. I have a 6th spade. I have 1st round control in both of their suits, along with 2nd round control in one of them. Partner has shown some values and presumably, at least 3 spades. Partner should also be short(ish) in hearts. I would expect to lose maybe 2 spades, 1 heart and possibly 2 clubs at most. I think I am unlikely to be doubled in 3S.
Unfortunately, I do not know my partner has made an idiotic raise to 2S on the stiff K. I'm just bidding my hand.
So many experts, not enough X cards.
Posted 2009-April-16, 11:26
ArtK78, on Apr 16 2009, 12:01 PM, said:
You know you can also cuebid 3♥ right? You don't need two cuebids, but you might need a natural bid in a suit you couldn't bid naturally at your last turn.
Posted 2009-April-16, 11:40
catatonic, on Apr 16 2009, 11:47 AM, said:
on the auction partner can't have a very big hand , so balance of probabilities is that he has playing tricks as he has come in when the opps auction is unlimited
I don't want to let them play 2 H , would like to give them a little push ;
in doing this would like to deceive the opps as to the distribution
as the likely result is that partner will be on lead against a H contract
I will be happy with whatever he leads , as long as it a spade!
so I bid 2 spades !
now forget you know my hand .... when pt bids 2 spades and the next hand bids 3 hearts what do you do with
he bid 3spades which didn't meet with my approval [ I can't imagine overcalling 1Spade in an unlimited auction when you can pass and balance instead of possibly encouraging a terrible lead ]; he said it was automatic for his hand to overcall
he couldn't imagine raising on the bare K ! and said so [ politely I hasten to add]
as always his RHO doubled and he went 2 off trying to make , when 2H and 2S were the respective maximums
happily we agreed to disagree , as having lost 8 imps on this board we put on 83 in the remaining 23 ....without , I might add , any real help from the opps ; better than crying over spilt milk!
any comment as to my partners bidding ? it is already clear that my 2 spade bid is NOT the universal choice

Your partner's 1♠ might be among the most clear-cut overcalls ever made since the invention of the game bonus.
Seriously, what is it for a strange kind of bidding "style" you are advocating?
Posted 2009-April-16, 11:48
Apollo81, on Apr 16 2009, 06:26 PM, said:
Yes I do. I need 3♦ to show a good raise and 3♥ to show a mixed raise, so that I can use 3♠ as a preempt. Ideally I'd like one more cuebid, so that I could distinguish between good 3- and 4-card raises.
Posted 2009-April-16, 12:12
gnasher, on Apr 16 2009, 12:48 PM, said:
Apollo81, on Apr 16 2009, 06:26 PM, said:
Yes I do. I need 3♦ to show a good raise and 3♥ to show a mixed raise, so that I can use 3♠ as a preempt. Ideally I'd like one more cuebid, so that I could distinguish between good 3- and 4-card raises.
And don't forget 3♣ implies a spade fit, and perhaps 2NT is a raise too. Let's make sure we can never do anything except pass, double, and raise.
Posted 2009-April-16, 13:23
Actually double implies a secondary heart fit too.