jillybean2, on Apr 8 2009, 04:34 PM, said:
This does not seem entirely right to me. If a player gives his partner UI that demonstrably suggests a certain action, then if there are no LA’s the player is free to use that action? The benefit of doubt seems to be in favor of the offending side rather than the non-offenders.
The absense of logical alternatives sort of removes the "doubt" to give you the benefit of. Example:
Let's say 4th seat gets to the table later than everyone else, so is sorting his hand, and the auction goes: P-P-P. Now his partner says something, "Oh my God, I didn't mean to pass."
4th seat then opens an 11-count with 4-spades, and says, "I always open when I have 15 Pearson points (HCP + # of spades)." Not everyone opens all 11-counts with 4 spades; there's doubt, and the UI suggested a logical alternative -- pass. So if the Non-Offending Side is damaged by the fact that pass was not chosen, they're entitled to protection.
Same situation, same comment, but now 4th seat has a 13 HCP hand with 5-1-3-4 distribution, and opens a spade. Not really a logical alternative to opening a spade, so when he does so, there's not really any "doubt" to give the opponents the benefit of. If they get to a good contract and make it, they're entitled (assuming that 4th seat's subsequent bids are above reproach, as well).
1. LSAT tutor for rent.
Call me Desdinova...Eternal Light
C. It's the nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms.
IV: ace 333: pot should be game, idk
e: "Maybe God remembered how cute you were as a carrot."