The auction:
1♣ - dbl - redbl - 2♣
2♥ - 2N - AP
1♣ was Precision
Double was alerted. When asked for an Explanation, the South player said, "I know its alertable, but I forget what it means"
Redouble alerted as a negative (0-4)
The rest of the auction was natural.
After the 2♣ call, the West player looked at the NS cc and saw they played Mathe over a strong club, so double should show the majors.
Before the opening lead, the North player gave an explanation of the double in that it conventionally showed the majors.
The opening lead was the ♦10, so North took 9 tricks for +150.
I was called after the hand. I asked the North player why she bid that way and she said that she didn't know how to bid with a hand that strong over the strong club. I said she might have passed.
I reprimanded the South player for forgetting their agreements, however, her 2♣ call made it clear to me that she did, in fact, forget what it means. I thought about giving NS a PP for convention disruption, but decided not to.
I didn't feel EW were damaged. East's bridge reasoning for the diamond lead was that her partner was going to be 'finessed', aside from being unsure what 2♥ meant. I though that East made a poor lead. Her partner bid hearts INTO a hand that supposedly had hearts and spades, which gives her more of a reason to lead a heart, not less.
What say you?