But seriously, if there were posts like these before, please tell me. I'll merge the posts.
Software I've really tried:
Bridge Master 2000, and BM Audray Grant. (CD and BBO version)
Mike Lawrence's Counting at Bridge and Private Bridge Lesson 1.
GIB and Bridge Baron (bought last year, forgot version)
Larry Cohen's My Fav 52
~$59.95 + shipping mostly.
Really fantastic software. I like the BBO version better, since I don't like hearing the cheering sounds, and I like it to be the BBO size that I'm familiar with. I do levels 1-3, and consider level 3 advanced, and not intermediate.
In the CD version, the default "Ace" name is confusing. It's not that intuitive to realise you can just ignore the name Ace and just work on your deals.
If you're unfamiliar with this groundbreaking software, what happens is, you get 5 different skill levels, 36 deals at each level. You're always the declarer, and need to play the hand as best as you can. There is always a best way to play the hand, and if you can't find it, you won't make the hand. (Finesses fail, etc) Deals are challenging and very clearly explained. Only thing is, as I've said, I consider level 3 advanced, and level 2 intermediate.
GIB and BB
~$79.95 + shipping
I don't like either of these. If I had to choose one, I'd pick Bridge Baron. Fred has said GIB plays better, but I like how it's easier to start using BB. Both software have similar options, and frankly, neither are that intuitive.
Maybe it's just a personal preference here - I don't like bridge robots/engines. If there's a bridge robot program, I need it to be like the old Hoyle card game lol. With doggies, or old ladies, or whatever as avaters, and making funny remarks periodically.
My fav 52
~$19.95 + shipping
Larry Cohen is FUN to read. This software is extremely entertaining and instructive. He's a great author, and it comes across very well. In the software, Larry chooses 52 of his favourite hands from the ages, (he played every one of those) and narrates what happens each time, and what he's thinking as he made his bid/play. Unlike a few other authors, LC's hands don't just serve to show how marvellous he is

I did wish there was more interactive-ness in the software, but it's really good for $20.
Mike Lawrence's CAB and PVBL1
~$34.95 + shipping each
Very instructive software, though the format is very dated. It's definitely more like an etextbook than the others. Mike Lawrence writes well too, but it's just less fun after Larry Cohen's humour.
I think both these titles are good, but overpriced. Should be closer to $20 than $30.