pass or 4h?
Posted 2009-February-22, 08:25
Posted 2009-February-22, 08:58
Posted 2009-February-22, 12:57
Posted 2009-February-22, 13:46
Posted 2009-February-22, 15:40
I'll bid 4H. If responder bids 4N, I'll take that as RKC for hearts. If responder bids 5C, I'll raise to 6C.
Posted 2009-February-23, 12:34
I expect 3NT to be the best contract a significant percentage of the time, but passing puts a few too many eggs in a basket that's a bit too small. After 4♥ we should be able to put the right eggs in the right baskets.
Posted 2009-February-23, 13:40
Posted 2009-February-23, 13:59
Pass really is silly with this sort of hand. Sure it can work but there is no chance of bidding a slam and 3NT could be hopeless.
4♥ seems very middle of the road.
I believe that the USA currently hold only the World Championship For People Who Still Bid Like Your Auntie Gladys - dburn
dunno how to play 4 card majors - JLOGIC
True but I know Standard American and what better reason could I have for playing Precision? - Hideous Hog
Bidding is an estimation of probabilities SJ Simon
Posted 2009-February-23, 14:42
Cascade, on Feb 23 2009, 12:59 PM, said:
Please explain. If your argument is that 5♥ must be a 6-5 slam force because we have no other bid for it, then I would say this is not a very well-thought argument.
Posted 2009-February-24, 08:47
rogerclee, on Feb 23 2009, 08:42 PM, said:
Cascade, on Feb 23 2009, 12:59 PM, said:
Please explain. If your argument is that 5♥ must be a 6-5 slam force because we have no other bid for it, then I would say this is not a very well-thought argument.
He says that partner is correcting to clubs at the 6 level, if you are willing to force to slam on imssfits, you should be forcing to slam when there is a fit in hearts as well.
Posted 2009-February-24, 10:23
I don;t like partners making undiscussed jumps in constructive auctions, because it leaves both of us guessing: I am guessing what he meant and he is guessing what I guessed it meant.
But this is a huge hand that has to be bid out, and he can do what he wants.
If he rebids 4N, he is playing it there.... I have a meta-agreement in all my partnerships that a call of 4N by a player who offered to play in 3N is natural.
Posted 2009-February-24, 10:41
Posted 2009-February-27, 04:00
3nt undiscussed