Is this obvious?
Posted 2009-February-22, 01:28
Posted 2009-February-22, 01:44
It actually shows 3-4 Spades. So you are saying that with 6/7C and 5S you open 1S? If your response shows exactly 3-4 S, that is what you are forced to do unless you have some weird jump or artificial bid at your dsiposal.
Further, Ken, thats fine if you and your partner have agreed to do this, but that doesn't provide a solution for the problem which a normal partnership would use. (I mean one using standard methods).
Posted 2009-February-22, 02:08
I don't like lying to partner either. But when every bid would be a lie, I just try to choose the best one.
Posted 2009-February-22, 09:24
The_Hog, on Feb 22 2009, 02:44 AM, said:
It actually shows 3-4 Spades. So you are saying that with 6/7C and 5S you open 1S? If your response shows exactly 3-4 S, that is what you are forced to do unless you have some weird jump or artificial bid at your dsiposal.
Further, Ken, thats fine if you and your partner have agreed to do this, but that doesn't provide a solution for the problem which a normal partnership would use. (I mean one using standard methods).
OK, to be precise, it shows 4 spades and 5 clubs (although you can opt to lie with a 4-4 COV hand), or 3♠/5♣ precisely, or a 5♠/6♣ (or longer but always more clubs) wild two-suiter.
I thought that part would be obvious.
Furthermore, it does provide a solution for what a normal partnership would use. A normal partnership would (in theory) discuss this situation just like they would discuss when to raise a major with three-card support. If the approach of rebidding 1♠ makes theory sense, then it would be adopted.
Sure, a partnership who does not discuss this might not reach that solution. And, of all of the partnerships, many have not discussed this situation. However, all people now reading this post will be considering this situation and will likely discuss this with their partner. Hence, in the limited BBF pool, especially as to those who are reading this post, "normal" presumably now means "discussed."
-P.J. Painter.
Posted 2009-February-22, 18:52
So its forcing I assume. Again that is not what most people seem to play here, though I agree I prefer this.
"I thought that part would be obvious."
Not from what you posted.
Posted 2009-February-22, 19:17
dbsboy, on Feb 20 2009, 10:27 AM, said:
I am a strong believer in opening 1♣ with 5 Clubs and 4 Diamonds. However, I found a really difficult rebid problem no matter partner responds in any Major. It seems that I cannot show my strength and shape effectively.
If I open 1♦, will the bidding go much smoother?
Lots of opinions on 4d and 5c type hands. I am playing open strongest suit so in this case I open 1d planning on bidding 2c over 1h.
That means if K of d is K of C then I open one club and will rebid 2c over 1h.
Posted 2009-February-23, 12:44
- with a singleton Q or better, treat the hand as balanced
- else if the 5-card suit is very strong, rebid it
- else if the 3-card major is unstopped (T98 or worse), open 1♦ (the diamonds are strong by inference in this case)
- else if <15 hcp, rebid 1NT
- else, choose the above action that most closely matches my hand
The OP fits into the last category. I think the best lie is to open 1♦ since the diamonds are stronger than the clubs, and the hand is clearly (IMO) too strong for a 1NT rebid.
Posted 2009-February-23, 13:24
jdonn, on Feb 20 2009, 04:50 PM, said:
I agree with this. And to add more, if I was a bit weaker, I would rebid 1NT over 1♠ to ensure we don't lose our 5-3 fit if its there (I cannot raise on 3 cards, remember)
Posted 2009-February-25, 05:17
Posted 2009-February-25, 11:44
If your system allows for a 1D open, then you have no problem. If you open 1C then rebid 1S this clearly facilitates P continuation.
For me its a 1D opening, but I agree this is not everyone's choice.
Posted 2009-February-25, 15:29
With 5♣+4♦ always open 1♣. Now:
-if you hold 11-14(bad 15), and partner bids your singleton bid 1NT, if he bids your tripleton bid 2M;
-if you hold 15+ 16, rebid 2♣, and over 2♦ relay use 2OM to show a 54 15-16 hcp ♣+other (♦ or♥), and if partner is intrested you can show your shape later;
-with 17+ make a reverse.
Posted 2009-February-25, 21:25
Edmunte1, on Feb 25 2009, 04:29 PM, said:
I think rebidding 2C on this hand is really bad. You claim it worked well, what does that mean? Did you keep track of all the hands when you rebid 2C on a poor 5-card suit? And how about the hands where you had a good 6-card club suit and partner didn't trust your rebid?
Yes of course it worked well when partner bid 2D next and allowed you to clarify your hand, but much more often you won't have this opportunity.
I think on this hand a 1S rebid is better if you decide to open 1C. And in general I don't like rebidding rules for difficult hands that don't take suit quality into account.
I haven't bid 1S on this hand type often enough to claim it works well, but I am fairly confident it is better than 2C.
Posted 2009-February-26, 12:55
Axx Kxxx xx Jxx because "I couldn't go back to diamonds since you might be 4-5". A corollary to opening 1♦ with a minimum 4-5 would seem to be opening
1♣ with a hand such as KQx x AQxxx AQxx, showing your strength via a reverse. I've never seen anyone who advocated the 4-5 opening address this issue. For me, opening 1♣ and rebidding 2♣ seems to work out far more often than not -- odds are, you have at least a 5-3 club fit, and you'll rarely find it unless you rebid the clubs.
One point, of course, is how likely partner is to bypass a diamond suit when responding. The argument for opening 1♦ becomes stronger if partner tends to suppress diamonds over clubs. I'm inclined to a more up-the-line style.
Posted 2009-February-26, 20:04
Posted 2009-February-26, 21:22
Posted 2009-February-27, 00:49
Posted 2009-February-27, 01:15
I think its way better to open 1D and rebid 2C then to open 1C and rebid 1S (forcing or not) and its not close at all.
I also prefer to open 1D and rebid 2C than 1C---2C.
For instance, he doesn't like being used as a human shield when we're being shot at.
I happen to think it's a very noble way to meet one's maker, especially for a guy like him.
Bottom line is we never let that difference of opinion interfere with anything."
Posted 2009-February-27, 01:29
hanp, on Feb 25 2009, 10:25 PM, said:
Edmunte1, on Feb 25 2009, 04:29 PM, said:
I think rebidding 2C on this hand is really bad. You claim it worked well, what does that mean? Did you keep track of all the hands when you rebid 2C on a poor 5-card suit? And how about the hands where you had a good 6-card club suit and partner didn't trust your rebid?
Yes of course it worked well when partner bid 2D next and allowed you to clarify your hand, but much more often you won't have this opportunity.
I think on this hand a 1S rebid is better if you decide to open 1C. And in general I don't like rebidding rules for difficult hands that don't take suit quality into account.
I haven't bid 1S on this hand type often enough to claim it works well, but I am fairly confident it is better than 2C.
You're right Han, when i wrote 15+ i meant with a good source of tricks.
Lying abouth 6th club is compensated by extraforce, but the source of tricks provided by the good long suit should remain, so you need good clubs for bidding 2♣ with 5 cards. On this board i would have rebid 1NT due to the lack of suit quality
Posted 2009-February-27, 04:15
Over 1 spade I have an easy rebid of 2 diamonds.
Best regards
Anders (European)
Posted 2009-February-27, 09:26
Free, on Feb 21 2009, 08:18 PM, said:
Sorry... Works been busy.
I'd open 1N on this all the live long day