I am NOT qualified to be making stuff like this up, as I don't know enough about the history of bridge, or the many different systems already out there. I mainly did this as a thought exercise, and because I was unhappy with the 1 level openings meaning so little in SAYC (or maybe they mean more, and I just don't know). So. I'm really happy with the openings I've come up with instead, but the responses are maybe a little complicated/unhelpful. Also, I haven't taken into account what happens with interference: probably just natural overcalls and/or negative doubles... your standard stuff. Bids marked with * force a response (only marked the first time they appear in this post). Anyways, without further ado, here it is.
1 level bids (including nt) show 13+ HCP.
1♣* means you have 4-4 or better count in minors
1♦* means you have 4-4 or better count in majors
1♥ means you have 4-4 or better count in hearts and one minor
1♠ means you have 4-4 or better count in spades and one minor
1nt means your shape is 4-3-3-3
If your partnership is concerned with interference, you open the highest bid possible. with 5♠, 4♣, 4♦, you bid 1♠, not 1♣. If your partnership is concerned with getting the most possible slam tries (see strong hand responses below), you open the lowest bid possible. With 5♠, 4♣, 4♦, you bid 1♣, not 1♠.
stayman is no longer used because it's unlikely that you have a 4 card major. Transfers are used, however (so 2♣ asks for a 2♦ bid).
Weak 2s are still a viable opening, though it may make sense to change it to mean extremely unbalanced hands with 13+ hcp, instead of fewer points. 2♣ would still be strong.
if partner has 0-6 hcp and no interference, over minor openings, must bid the smallest possible bid in the implied suit. For example, with 0 hcp:
1♣ p 1♦
1♦ p 1♥
over major openings, you should pass (since opener has at least something in those majors). For example, with 0 hcp:
1♥ p p
1♠ p p
with 6-10 points and suit fit, bid lowest that doesn't show 0hcp:
1♣ p (2♣ or 2♦)
1♥ p (2♥ or 1nt*) (if you want to find the minor, and only have 6-10 hcp, 1nt asks for the minor from the opener. this is NOT a natural 1nt. Without interference, you will probably end up signed off in 2♣ or 2♦)
with 10+ hcp, no suit fit, and you want to invite game, shift into your best suit (5+ cards at minimum with at least one honor) that hasn't been mentioned. Opener should probably respond (though with a weak suit match, could probably just let it ride e.g. with shape 4-4-3-2):
1♣ p (1♥ or 1♠)
1♥ p (1♠)
1♠ p (2♥) (if you have a good minor, then you have a potential suit fit, see below.)
with 10+ hcp, suit fit, and want to invite game jump in matched suit.
1♣ p (3♣ or 2♦)
1♥ p (3♥ or 2nt*) (2nt forcing a minor response as 1nt does above)
with a very strong hand, no suit fit, and want to force game, jump into non implied suit that is your best. This denies both implied suits from the opening. Over 1c, you are saying you have no minors. Over a major, you are saying "all I have is the other major". Your partner MUST respond to this, so you both get a chance to correct to desired suit:
1♣ p (2♥* or 2♠*)
1♥ p (2♠*)
1♠ p (3♥*) (if you have a good minor, then you have a potential suit fit, see below.)
with a very strong hand, suit fit, and want to force game, jump into game, or nt:
1♣ p (5♣ or 5♦ or 3nt)
1♥ p (4♥ or 3nt) (to these particular 3nt bids, partner is forced to show minor if partnership agrees, or if they'd rather not force, partner can choose whether to show minor or leave in nt)
with a very strong hand, suit fit, and want to invite slam, jump into 1 below game (allowing blackwood, jumping straight to game precludes it):
1♣ p (4♣ or 4♦)
1h p (3♥) (yes, this means it's difficult to invite slam with strong minors. your best bet would be to bid 3nt)
I'm not sure about all the responses. It's a tad complicated. However, it does get a LOT of information about your hand out there, and I think it covers a lot of the possible hand shapes. I think it might be difficult to get into a nt bid with this, but I'm not sure. Also, with interference, I think you would just bid naturally. Also also, I think you could probably leave your responses to be as they naturally would using sayc, and you could still do very well. It's the openings that I like most.
So. What do you think? Would anyone be interested in trying this system with me? If not, based on this post, is there a system already out there that you think would make me happy? Thanks.