Weird Sac? Bidding 7NT over 7S
Posted 2009-January-20, 15:44
# of Tricks:
<7: 144
7: 159
8: 212
9: 267
10: 433
11: 578
12: 495
13: 212
Ave. tricks per deal: 10.1432
Any thoughts regarding this? Vulnerbility matters here, I guess .
ofc I am assuming that the ♠ hand is not on lead.
Posted 2009-January-20, 15:51
Posted 2009-January-20, 23:13
JLOL, on Jan 20 2009, 04:51 PM, said:
Posted 2009-January-21, 02:06
I think JLOLs approach is not deep enough. We play pass/double inversion here., which seems to be superior.
Sanity Check: Failure (Fluffy)
More system is not the answer...
Posted 2009-January-21, 05:19
FrancesHinden, on Jan 21 2009, 04:12 AM, said:
at imps i would open 7 spades against adam kaplan but 7n against everyone else.
Posted 2009-January-21, 07:20
JLOL, on Jan 20 2009, 04:51 PM, said:
and i thought I was the only one, who agreed this (with my former junoir partner)
Bad luck that there was no such hand at the last european championships
Posted 2009-January-21, 08:01
Posted 2009-January-21, 09:27
FrancesHinden, on Jan 21 2009, 06:12 AM, said:
Against mtvesuvius or JLOL and their takeout doubles, I think I open 7♠, against everyone else 7N. 7♠ gives up a little upside at MPs, but wins when instead you defend 7NX-13 for +3500.
Posted 2009-January-21, 09:37
mtvesuvius, on Jan 21 2009, 09:01 AM, said:
Of course there's no normal reason not to open 7NT with 13 top tricks, so if you open 7♠ you must have lots of solid (enough) spades and a void. You might have a side suit you think will come in too, like 8 solid + AKQTx or something.
The problem with the 7NT sac is that almost all hands opening a reasonable 7♠ will have ~2 outside suits controlled too (double voids are quite rare). So the defense, even when the 7♠ bidder isn't on lead, only has to hit one of his outside A's to clobber 7N. Sadly, you can't afford to use the X of 7NT by slam bidder to direct lead since if you were making 7♠, you can't afford to defend 7N undoubled even at favorable.
Posted 2009-January-21, 09:39
FrancesHinden, on Jan 21 2009, 12:12 PM, said:
If you want to play this hand 7♠ in it is safer to play a 7♥ opening as Verdi, since if opps can start with a ruff from the ♠42 holding there is a chance that they are slugish and ruff with the 2 and p who is also void in the suit of the opening lead can overruff with the 3.
Posted 2009-January-21, 11:23
Very close to a 7♠ opener.
Posted 2009-January-21, 12:08
JLOL, on Jan 21 2009, 10:51 AM, said: