They're vulnerable, you're not. Partner passes and RHO opens 2NT. Up to you...
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The perfect storm... Ooops...
Posted 2009-January-25, 20:11
wyman, on 2012-May-04, 09:48, said:
Also, he rates to not have a heart void when he leads the ♥3.
rbforster, on 2012-May-20, 21:04, said:
Besides playing for fun, most people also like to play bridge to win
My YouTube Channel
Posted 2009-January-25, 20:55
pass, wtp?
SCBA National TD, EBU Club TD
Unless explicitly stated, none of my views here can be taken to represent SCBA or any other organizations.
Unless explicitly stated, none of my views here can be taken to represent SCBA or any other organizations.
Posted 2009-January-25, 22:46
"The King of Hearts a broadsword bears, the Queen of Hearts a rose." W. H. Auden.
Posted 2009-January-25, 23:48
Hanoi5, on Jan 25 2009, 09:11 PM, said:
They're vulnerable, you're not. Partner passes and RHO opens 2NT. Up to you...
They're vulnerable, you're not. Partner passes and RHO opens 2NT. Up to you...
I subtly move the queen of hearts to the right of my hand and patiently wait for my decision at trick 2?
Please let me know about any questions or interest or bug reports about GIB.
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